Beltalowda - A podcast for The Expanse - 303 – Assured Destruction

The latest episode of SyFy’s The Expanse, “Assured Destruction” could be subtitled: “When Amos Meets Bobby”, because that happened, and it’s pretty awesome. After that, we have to content ourselves will small potato stuff like interplanetary nuclear brinksmanship, child experimentation, evil admirals, and the deaths of millions.  Snooze! Then things pick back up when Alex makes Naomi some love lasagna. We also got some interesting feedback from actual jet pilots and physicists among others to take us and The Expanse to some light task about our discussion of high G and Amos related physics. I don’t care what the scientists say, Amos can defy gravity.  See ya next week!

Beltalowda - A podcast for The Expanse - 302 – IFF

A.Ron and Jim can feel the g-forces as the latest episode of SyFy’s The Expanse continues to accelerate in “IFF”.  More awesome, clever space action sequences, some great character development with Prax, Bobby, and Chrisjen, and a deft introduction to a new character, Anna, combine to entertain and intrigue. Is Errinwright about to be at the end of his rope? Is Mao more of a softy than he initially let on? Will the combined crews of the Rocinante and Razorback be able to turn the tide of war?  Find out with us next week!

Beltalowda - A podcast for The Expanse - 301 – Fight or Flight

Jim and A.Ron are very impressed with the premiere of the third season of SyFy’s The Expanse, “Fight or Flight”.  Great special effects and even better writing, much depends on the complex balance of politics across the solar system, and between the crew of the Rocinante Pinus Contorta.  Anytime you can mix great drama with spectacular action sequences you’ve got a hit in our books, and we’re thrilled to have The Expanse back in our lives!

Beltalowda - A podcast for The Expanse - Season Three Preview Podcast

Jim and A.Ron talk about the upcoming season three of SyFy’s The Expanse.  We talk about our experience with the show (and Jim’s recent experience reading the first three books in the series by James S. A. Corey) and our thoughts about where we left off last season and where we think we’re headed.  Other topics include our spoiler policy, our favorite characters, the Rocinante’s power level, and much more.