Saving Private Ryan (1998) – 25th Anniversary Rerelease

In honor of this movie’s 25th anniversary, we’re doing a special rerelease podcast!
Mr. Justin “Hatorian” K. won a Bald Move fantasy football league, and this was his reward; the selection of the modern classic war movie, “Saving Private Ryan”. Directed by Steven Spielberg, and starring every man in Hollywood (Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Vin Diesel, Bryan Cranston, NATHAN FILLION, Paul Giamatti, among others), it’s a pitiless look into the hell that is war. It is also a moving, heroic, complex tale of brotherhood, bravery, cowardice, and loss. It’s a powerful film that you really must see before partaking in the podcast, but if you’ve already stormed the beaches of Normandy with Capt. Miller and company, please enjoy the podcast.

Foundation - S02E02 – A Glimpse of Darkness

Are you someone who’s read the books, and yet you’re still confused? Don’t worry, you’re in good company. Get the breakdown that you need from Jim and A.Ron as they discuss the rebrand of the Foundation. The Empire is in decline. The Foundation has taken on the role of a religion. What do the beautiful blue eyes mean? Are we going to see a Tywin-like play for the throne?

Oppenheimer (2023)

Christopher Nolan’s new film is terrifying on many levels. No doubt you’ve heard of Oppenheimer the scientist, but are you ready to get to know the human being? The film comes at the issue of the atomic bomb from many angles. Nolan uses his sci-fi-esque style to breathe life into the man who would become death. If you’re looking for a nuanced look at the birth of the atomic bomb, and the minds behind it, this is the movie for you.

Justified: City Primeval - S01E01-2 – City Primeval, Oklahoma Wildman 

Raylan is back with his daughter Willa in tow. In two sweeping episodes, J:CP effortlessly builds a rich setting in Detroit. We meet a cast of characters who are all more than what meets the eye. There’s a mysterious tunnel system. And various Chekov’s nouns are introduced for what we hope are going to be big payoffs. Will Raylan’s cowboy approach be enough to take on the criminals in the streets of Detroit?

Star Trek: The Original Series - S02E06 – Lost in Translation

Uhura encounters a mysterious message. She is soon haunted by zombies and nightmares. Kirk and Spock finally meet. And turns out you can sift through someone’s personal logs whenever you want…so long as they’re dead. With the looming threat of space madness, the crew may be dealing with a menace they don’t understand. Listen to the episode, you space hippie!

Growth Decay Transformation - S02E11 – “I Know a Guy”

If you find Skyler singing “Happy Birthday” cringey, you’re in good company. While it may be a scene that even made the crew feel uncomfortable, it’s an important one that gives clarity to Skyler’s choices. Speaking of fateful decisions, this is an episode teeming with them. Join hosts Courtney and Pete as they discuss Jesse’s downward spiral, Jane’s decision to join him there, and Walt’s first meeting with “the guy” (who knows another guy who apparently knows Saul). So put on your best corporate smile, grab a soda, and join your hosts as they ponder just how alike Walt and Gus are.

Bald Move Pulp - Badass Fest V: Armageddon (1998)

CHAMPION. CHARISMA. CHARACTER. These are the qualities that make a badass.
What’s better than an astronaut? A third generation driller. Bruce Willis, the CHARISMA KING, is gonna save the world from a giant asteroid. There’s a cast full of recognizable actors in their younger days. A.Ron claims that Armageddon has done more good for the world than any other movie. And this might be one of Michael Bay’s most chaotic projects, therefore you NEED to go watch it on Max right now. Pork rinds!

Foundation - S02E01 – In Seldon’s Shadow

The wait is over! Crack open your cryopod and tune into Jim and A.Ron’s thoughts on the first episode of an exciting season. Lee Pace and Jarry Harry return to the cosmos as leads in this interplanetary sci-fi based on the book series by Isaac Asimov. The Empire requires respect. Will the Foundation be its ruin? Find out on this season of Foundation!