Dungeons and Demogorgons - 101 – Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers

Jim and A.Ron offer their takes on Netflix’s Stranger Things episode, “The Vanishing of Will Byers”.   We’re undertaking a rewatch and podcast for every episode of season one to get pumped up for season two, which premiers on October 27, 2017!  We’ll be doing a season two preview this Friday, October 20th.  Got feedback?  Send it in using the contacts below!  We’ll be covering the entirety of season two the weekend beginning Oct 27th!  Come marathon Stranger Things with us!

Bald Move Pulp - Top of the Lake, Bojack Horseman, Gerald’s Game

A.Ron and Cecily talk about some fine television they have consumed in the past week or so, including Netflix’s Top of the Lake (00:00:20), starring Elizabeth Moss and Gwendoline Christy, Netflix’s hilarious and tragic Bojack Horseman (00:22:31), and also Netflix’s Gerald’s Game (00:34:10), adapted from a Stephen King story of the same name.

Bald Move Pulp - Who Won the Week?!

Jim and A.Ron begin by discussing the Netflix reboot of the classic Mystery Science Theater 3000 (00:00:10), before debating Who Won the Week? (00:10:31) A real nail biter, this time, as Fargo, The Leftovers, and Better Call Saul all brought the thunder. Plus! Bonus discussion on the season premier of HBO’s Silicon Valley. (00:16:46)

Orange is the New Cast - 410 – 412 – “Bunny, Skull, Bunny, Skull”, “People Persons”, “The Animals”

Pi’ilani joins A.Ron to discuss the shocking and heart wrenching events of the three episode stretch comprised of “Bunny, Skull, Bunny, Skull”, “People Persons”, and “The Animals”. Are we sure this is still a comedy? Be sure to come back next week for the finale episode and our season four wrap up!