Bald Move Prestige - The Sweet Hereafter (1997)

Special thanks to listener Ali who commissioned this podcast through our Subbable subscription system!  Jim and A.Ron check out the award winning 1997 film, “The Sweet Hereafter”, which is based on the novel of the same name by author Russell Banks, and is directed by Canadian filmmaker Atom Egoyan.  It stars Ian Holm (Lord of the Rings, Alien, Fifth Element) and Bruce Greenwood (Thirteen Days, Star Trek, Capote) among others.

Personal Arrogants

Personal Arrogants - Episode 139: The Original Angry Birds

Episode 139 is here, and it’s a doozey. Lots of great feedback, a national compound fracture, and movie talk await you. This week on the show: • Listener Feedback (10:51) • Summa’ Movie Time! (19:35) • Ancient Vegas (36:35) • Trivia! (47:15) • Disney Infinity (50:42) • Russian Mad Scientist Billionaires (1:06:58) • Facebook Roundup…

Old Movie Review Round Up

Hey guys, I was digging through our archives and I found a few other movie reviews we did over the past few years.  Some of them were bonus-only for the forums we used to have, so they haven’t previously been available.  I don’t know if there is any interest in them, but I didn’t want to lose them either, so I’m posting them here for posterity.  It’s also an interesting glimpse into the evolution of our podcasts… In roughly chronological order…