
LWJ&A – Episode 226: 11/22/19

Jim and A.Ron discuss the Cybertruck; they discuss the Walker Stalker Con situation; Watchmen viewership/coverage vs. Leftovers viewership/coverage; will Bald Move officiate a wedding; stupid cat stories; are you buying what Kanye is selling; holiday Mario Twitch streams; how to enjoy Mr. Rogers if you are new to it; Groundhog Day plans; snow sports; download updates; Better Call Saul announces a 5th season; Thanksgiving sides that are a must have; leftover T-Day creations; weird food craving combinations; earliest memories; unique parenting techniques; finally, the Google Stadia.


LWJ&A – Episode 225: 11/15/2019

Jim and A.Ron discuss King’s Island game plans for the holidays; Bald Move history; fast pasta/cold pasta/gravy; live podcasts; should we be drinking milk; electronics that refuse to die; things to watch on Disney+; vegetarian Thanksgiving dishes; cheapest things you can return; Bald Move promo codes; 3 shot Friday lunches and falling off the wagon…


LWJ&A – Episode 224: 11/8/2019

Jim and A.Ron discuss Double Dern Saturday; the launch of our new network Swizzbold; advice for Tesla owners; city living vs. country living; Apple+ support devices; sleep hygiene; AirBNB scams; famous or interesting genealogy; advice on dealing with grief; finding Jim’s holy grail; movies we don’t remember; our favorite movie scenes; closing out actors; the Colour Out of Space trailer; best of the decade; when is the right time to start Christmas; advice on starting a family; finally, housekeeping on housekeeping.