We Own This City - S01E04 – Part Four

With only two episodes left to go, we are soon approaching the end of We Own This City. We hear the title of the show said in this episode and it’s as infuriating as it should be. The show asks the question, when the bully cops go too far even by the other bully cops standards, why do those people who could do something, still do nothing? When this corruption and violence is the input of this horrid policing, then this unrest is the logical output.

Have some feedback? Send it in to corners@baldmove.com.

We Own This City - S01E03 – Part Three

This show makes us mad, in a good way. We’re getting a wider scope of the issues ingrained in the BPD and the bad police policy implemented decades ago that just kept getting worse over the years. Follow us on our episode breakdown by topic as we dissect the multiple characters, nuances, and layers of this show. One of our deep dives focuses on Hersl and the perverse incentives in this system. 

House of the Dragon - House of the Dragon Preview 5

We’ve got hopes as high as the budget. HOTD caps their budget at a humble $20 million per episode. Meanwhile, Bezos goes full tilt funneling $500 million into The Rings of Power. For comparison, Peter Jackson made the LOTR trilogy with an average of $94 million per movie, modest by today’s high fantasy standards. Fans of fictitious languages, HOTD will have something to tickle your articulators. Will TROP and HOTD be friends, or fight on the streaming playground? Who knows, maybe they’ll both be bad and we can commiserate on Reddit.

More linguistic insider scoops: Game of Thrones 2: Electric Bookaloo – Bonus Bookaloo: House of the Dragon and More

We Own This City - S01E02 – Part Two

It’s only episode two and We Own This City is laying out the big problems in the Baltimore Police Department. As to be expected, it’s a grim picture of corrupted departments and justice. What do you do with a law task force that has no regard for the law? In a situation that feels hopeless, maybe this show will offer a nugget of wisdom. 

We Own This City - S01E01 – Part One

Back with another powerhouse show, David Simon and George Pelecanos are giving us a look into the corruption of the Baltimore Police Force. If you’re an alum of The Wire, you’ll find similarities in this show’s structure. If you’re not, this podcast episode has helpful insight for understanding the multiple POVs and how this mechanic is what makes Simon shows’ storytelling unique and powerful. There’s a lot to unpack, and this is just the beginning. 


Ted Lasso S2, Foundation, Schmigadoon, The Pacific, Zola, Shadow and Bone – Off the Clock

This week we talk about the first 2 episodes of Ted Lasso’s latest season, the first Foundation novel and a bit about our hopes / expectations for the Apple TV+ series, Schmigadoon!, The Pacific, Zola, and Shadow and Bone. Plus, we answer questions from our Patreon “Executive Producers” about our plans for future coverage and whether we think great long-form stories on TV are killing shorter-form stories in movies.