Evaluating the New Beef: Return of the Badasses

Our original list was bursting at the seams when we stuffed in the amount of beef available during just the 80s and 90s. Well, since then a lot of old contenders have filled out their catalogs and new contenders have arisen, both men and women. So we’re retooling the list to add as much grade-A prime as we can handle in a single sitting. Of course, that’s not all of them but we’ll get there eventually. Check out the podcast to hear us debate the likes of Dave Bautista, Linda Hamilton, Gal Gadot, and many more.

Bald Move Pulp - Bloodsport (1988)

KUMITE! KUMITE! For anyone who grew up in the 80s or 90s, Bloodsport is the best-known movie starring a man best-known for his incredibly limber legs, Jean-Claude Van Damme. Also starring Bolo Yeung as the man with the world’s largest pecs, it’s a movie that we both love and fear. Take a journey to Kowloon (seriously!) with us as we break down this classic badass movie from our childhoods.

Reviewing the Original Rankings: Return of the Badasses

We did a livestream on our Twitch channel this week where we dusted off the spreadsheet we made over 10 years ago that ranks the biggest badasses of all time and re-evaluated them with fresh eyes. There was a lot that had to change, so we did. There’s a large – even hulking, you might say – visual component to this podcast so we really recommend you check out the video on this one and then join us for next week’s livestream, Wednesday at 1pm, when we’ll be adding a whole slew of new badass men and women. But if not, enjoy this podcast such as it is.

Cobra (1986)

The Return of the Badasses series continues with 1986’s Cobra, Sylvester Stallone’s showcase of what makes a true badass. What are those things? Well, get yourself a pair of mirrored aviators and an automatic weapon with a laser scope, eat your pizza a quarter-slice at a time, store your gun cleaning kit at the back of your fridge inside an empty egg carton and you’ll be a good way toward understanding. Check out the podcast to find out what else Sylvester recommends.

Bald Move Pulp - Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) 30th Anniversary Re-release

It’s been thirty years since Terminator 2: Judgement Day hit the theaters and instantly became one of the greatest movie sequels of all time, and it’s been four years since we reviewed it. We figure it’s time to dust off that old podcast, shine it up, and re-release it to celebrate the milestone. Join us for our review of this classic.

Bald Move Pulp - Loki – S01E03 – Lamentis

The third episode of Loki can easily be seen as a disappointment when taken alone. Our bet is that there’s some serious subterfuge happening though, and when taken in tandem with the next episode (or possibly the rest of the season) it will all be a lot more satisfying. Join us for the podcast to hear our full spoiler review.