Breaking Good - 511 – Confessions – Instant Take

Did we just watch one of the best hours of television, or The Best Ever? Jim and A.Ron debate that point as they struggle to process the absolutely incredible hour of television that was Breaking Bad episode 511, “Confessions”. All the pieces were there the whole time, hidden in plain sight. But no one saw Walt’s “confession” and the impact it would have. No one forsaw the consequences of a single boosted bag of weed. And what else is lurking out there, in two flash forwards and an enigmatic scene between Meth Damon and his Uncles of Anarchy? I sure as hell don’t know, but can’t wait to find out!

Breaking Good - 510 – Buried

Sorry for the delay on the release, we had some nasty technical problems, but here we are with our complete coverage of this week’s episode of “Breaking Bad”, entitled “Buried”. We talk a lot about Skyler’s breaking bad, Hank’s poor handing of his interrogation, Walt’s superhuman digging ability, Marie’s stone slab slap, and Walt’s face vs. a linoleum floor. All this plus your feedback, voicemails, and some light spoilers in the spoiler section.

Breaking Good - 509 – Blood Money

Inside we talk about Hank’s case of PTSD (post traumatic shit disorder), Skyler’s “stay out of my territory” moment, Badger’s epic Trek script and it’s possible deeper meanings, the intricacies of GPS trackers, housing values in the ABQ, Walt’s penchant for copying traits of his victims, and Jesse’s Paperboy technique. All this, and tons and tons of listener feedback, and a very light spoiler section, as always safely cordoned off behind our theme music.

Breaking Good - 509 – Blood Money – Instant Take

This episode was nothing like what I expected and everything I was secretly hoping for. And because of 229 generous souls who backed our Kickstarter project, we’ll be doing one of these bonus “Instant Take” podcasts after EVERY episode!

Tune in to find out Jim and A.Ron’s reactions, reviews, and off the cuff predictions and analysis. And be sure to check back Tuesday evening for our full, in-depth coverage of Breaking Bad. If tonight is any indication, we’re in for a wild ride.