Bald Move Prestige - PCU (1994)

Special thanks to Josh “anubus21” Wilson again for yet another commission (he also is responsible for the recent Screamers), this time he decided to troll us by making us watch the terrible “Jeremy Piven goes to college” movie, PCU. We figured it was only fair to troll him back by tearing the movie a new one. We don’t think the movie is particularly funny, it’s message is bad, and it’s full of unlikable characters with murky motivations and goals beyond throwing the ultimate rager and wishing minorities and vegetarians would just, you know, chill already. Its lone bright spot is that mid-movie, George Clinton personally pilots the Mothership as he drops a righteous funk bomb on the film, but even ordinance that powerful couldn’t stop the monstrous Piven.

All in all, a fairly successful troll all around. Thanks for your support, Josh, and… enjoy?

Bald Move Prestige - Natural Born Killers (1994)

Jason decided to tag his wife Aime back for the movies (Transformers, Toxic Avenger) she’d commissioned for him over Christmas, by having us chat about her personal favorite movie, Oliver Stone’s 1994 film, Natural Born Killers. We found this movie to be wonderfully cast (Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Downey, Jr., Tommy Lee Jones, Tom Sizemore, among others) and fully insane in it’s direction, visuals, editing, and message, and thus spent about half our time talking about the film itself, and the other half pondering the human condition. Jason, Aime, hope you two crazy love birds enjoy this commission, and if either of you start talking about being the god of your world, back out of the room slowly. Make no sudden movements.

Bald Move Prestige - Once Were Warriors (1994)

Jude from New Zealand shows some homeland pride by selecting the incendiary Kiwi film from 1994, “Once Were Warriors”, for her commissioned podcast pick. Directed by Lee Tamahori and starring Temuera Morrison and Rena Owen, it features a soul destroying portrait of life for a Maori family living in the slums of Auckland. The picture pulls no punches, and yet manages to be thought provoking, sympathetic, and even uplifting and hopeful, assuming you calibrate your definition of “uplifting” and “hopeful” to David “The Wire” Simon settings. We simply are blown away by the performances of everyone in this film, particularly Morrison who plays the extremely charismatic, extremely violent Jake “the Muss”, and are intrigued by the examination of domestic violence, crime, and racial issues as seen through the very distinct lens of New Zealand.

Bald Move Prestige - Pulp Fiction (1994)

Hey, it’s our first ever community commissioned podcast! Thanks to eight intrepid members of the Bald Move community for pitching in and making this podcast happen. Pulp Fiction is a Tarantino classic, starring Sam Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman along with many others. It’s funny, it’s violent, it’s cool as hell, it is watchable as all hell, features a lot of interesting structural and visual details, and offers some of the all time best dialog ever. We love this film, and we hope you all love the podcast. If you want another Bald Move take, check out Eric and Levi’s Direct podcast covering Pulp Fiction.

Bald Move Pulp - Stargate (1994)

Today’s commissioned podcast is on 1994’s Stargate — brought to you by Dr. Brandon Devito, official dentist of Bald Move and international man of mystery. Directed by Roland Emmerich and starring Kurt Russell and James Spader, it is a star spanning intergalactic tale of ancient Egyptian themed aliens, slip-shod archaeology, and gun toting shepherd boys. The boys ponder how movies change as we age, Emmerich’s professional toolkit, the massive flaws in both Ra’s and team Stargate’s (SG-1?) plans. A good time is had by all.