
LWJ&A – Episode 424 – Merry Fellow!

Lunchtime! This is a lunch to watch. Jim is back from WonderFest with a new puppy. Check out the models that Jim made and saw at WonderFest. Curious about what he won? Can we get A.Ron to SIT DOWN? What’s going on with buffets and movie theaters? Join in for general chit-chat and hilarity at Lunch!

Why is Mr. Feeny a Car? - S03E10 – Knight Rider (1982) – S03E06 – “KITT vs. KARR”

Closing out our very special season of Mr. Feeny with the return of a very special supervillain, KARR! The evil super car is back with a new voice and a new look, but he’s still at it with the low stakes crimes sprees aided and abetted by pretty dumb guys that nevertheless have the one quality that KARR lacks; hands. Will KARR prove to be the superior autonomous roving vehicle? Or will Michael and KITT be able to boost their way to another victory? Find out, in this thrilling conclusion to this season of Feeny!

House of the Dragon - Jim & A.Ron on HOTD – S01E07 – Book vs. Show!

Turn the brightness on your TV waaaay up for this episode of House of the Dragon. The children go to war with each other. The spouses are shuffled. And yet MORE kids appear in the book than in the show. Find out which Targaryen bad boys are Jim and A.Ron’s favorites. For this episode Jim and A.Ron cover pages 379 – 386 of the hardcover edition of Fire and Blood corresponding to the episode Driftmark. Keep it leal!

Why is Mr. Feeny a Car? - S03E09 – Knight Rider (1982) – S02E18 & 19 – “Goliath Returns”

We’re back with another shadowy flight with KNIGHT RIDER! In this episode, Michael comes face to face with his most dangerous foe yet; African Prison Rats! Also, Garth Knight, and, I guess, Goliath? It’s a wild and wooly episode and we are ready for it! Next week we close out the season with another returning supervillain in “KITT vs. KARR!”