Why is Mr. Feeny a Car? - Not a Drop to Drink

Well howdy, pardner! You ready to rustle up a chalkboard and do some cow math? What’s that, city slicker? You’ve never heard of cow math?! Then this podcast is for you! By the time we’re done, you’ll know exactly how many head a’ cow you can graze off how many footacres of water happen to be in your catchment basins. And if math just ain’t your thing, maybe you’ll be entertained by Michael’s attempt at breaking a wild, fiery, rancher’s widow? Or KITT’s attempt to corral a literal cow?

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - Season 11B Wrapup

In this world of zombies, turns out nearly everyone is safe. With multiple spinoff series announced, there’s no need to fear for the lives of the main characters anymore. Unless…the spinoff series are a ploy and everyone dies?! Pick your side of the conspiracy. Join us as we wrap up what can best be described as not the worst season, but definitely not the best season of The Walking Dead. 

The Podcast Maneuver - S02E07 – Monsters

In this episode of Picard, Patrick Stewart does some of the best acting of the show accompanied by some of the worst scenes of the show. Ogres and onions aren’t the only things that have layers anymore, join us as we try to track a couple different plot lines through multiple layers of nonsense. It’ll have you asking important questions such as, is Q a sociopath or party animal? Is Borg-Jurati getting a high off of smashing windows? If you love Star Trek, maybe this isn’t the episode for you, but if you like absurd comedy, this is right up your alley. Maybe there’s too much snakeleaf going around.

Feedback will be in a different episode so we can properly address it. And we’re wrapping up this season soon, so you better send it in at picard@baldmove.com.

Gladiator (2000)

Put your history books away and get ready for a tour of the highlights for the Roman Empire’s armor, skyline, and gladiator fights. Join us as we explore Gladiator’s plot, VFX, and acting and discuss what does and does not hold up two decades later. For a movie that was green lit with only 30 pages of written script and had the unfortunate death of an actor during production, Ridley Scott pulls together an epic tale of courage and revenge. Are you not entertained? 

Better Cast Saul - Season 6a Preview

The final season of Better Call Saul is less than a week away so it’s time for a preview. Joining me on the podcast is Pete Peppers, a Youtuber, BCS fan, and general lover of TV. We talk about our rewatches of the series, including where we left all of the characters, as well as what we know and what we’re looking forward to seeing in season 6. Don’t worry, we avoid spoilers until the very end and we give you plenty of warning before dropping them.

Join Pete and I for the preview podcast, then join my wife, Alexis, and I for the final season of Better Call Saul starting next Wednesday!