Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Don your fedora and grab your whip, Jim and A.Ron are adventuring into Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. You’ll recognize many of these actors from other beloved franchises. The score will transport you to the venturesome, treasure-rich world of Indiana Jones. Catch some fun facts including the reason why Sean Connery wasn’t wearing pants during filming part of the time. And check out the Indiana Jones themed home bar build from Arcade Shenanigans.
Thank you to Bill for commissioning this episode!

A Time to Kill (1996)

This movie poses the question, “How do we feel about vigilante justice?” Carl Lee Hailey, played by Samuel L. Jackson, faces trial for taking revenge on the men who brutalized his young daughter. The movie treads multiple fine lines about race, justice, and hatred in America. Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock, and Donald Sutherland round out the cast in this time capsule of Hollywood’s take on justice in 1996. Does it still work?

Growth Decay Transformation - S02E06 – “A Good Rest of Your Life”

Everytime Gretchen makes an appearance on Breaking Bad, one of the Bald Move guys makes an appearance on GDT. A. Ron joins Pete and Courtney to discuss S2E06 “Peekaboo.” Saved by an ATM and a “rich girl just adding to her millions,” Jesse and Walt both get off the hook from dealing with matters they’d really rather not. Things don’t go as well for the Three Spooges, though. Mr. Spooge, in particular, is delivered a crushing blow. Join Pete, Courtney, and A. Ron as they discuss this memorable episode.

Star Trek: The Original Series - S02 Preview

Welcome to the new podcast Baldly Go! This pod will cover all things Star Trek starting with the highly anticipated season two of Strange New Worlds. Can the world of Star Trek be redeemed from the folly of recent years? What new characters and old enemies will we meet at the edges of the galaxy? Get a breakdown of all those moments in the trailer and what that could mean.