
We Do - A Watchmen Podcast - Instant Talk – S01E02 – Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship

The Instant Talk podcast is our after show, with our own quick thoughts about the episode followed by an interactive chat discussion with our fans, live on YouTube.  The first half is released as the Instant Take podcast.  The interactive section is a premium podcast just for our club members.


LWJ&A – Episode 222: 10/25/2019

Jim and A.Ron get straight into the questions this time, because they are on a tight schedule! They answer everyone’s burning question, WTF is up with your lack of The Expanse coverage; Cecily and Alexis’ coverage of His Dark Materials; The Dresden Files dream casting; vampires in dusters; thoughts on Dark and other foreign recommendations; should D&D have known they were writing fan fiction; gimmick products that really work; how to de-skunk a pet; thoughts on the Colts and football in VERY general terms; carpal tunnel issues; the new grand (re?) opening of the Vonnegut Museum; the possibility of an arts and crafts on a drunken lunch; where to put your cart when you are done; thoughts on when it’s appropriate to use ketchup and gravy; shitting your pants stories; bidet updates; upcoming movies; favorite movies changing in a 5 year span;  thoughts on Melt Bar and Grilled; playing Apex Legends; experience with Halloween pranks; and how to live with a clone of yourself.


We Do - A Watchmen Podcast - Instant Talk – S01E01 – It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice

The Instant Talk podcast is our after show, with our own quick thoughts about the episode followed by an interactive chat discussion with our fans, live on YouTube.  The first half is a premium podcast just for our club members. The audio from the interactive section is released as a released as the Instant Take podcast.

The full length podcast will be released on Tuesday!


LWJ&A – Episode 221: 10/18/2019

Jim and A.Ron occupy the space in a brand-new studio; they discuss what Camp Bald Move would look like; the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten and they weirdest place they’ve ever gotten busy; social media checkmarks; how to direct young people with big dreams; Giamatti knows that we exist; unpopular food opinions; old LwJ&A episodes; X-mas card photos; favorite holiday foods/specific hams; regional humor; lasting spooks; mind-blowing science facts; pre-therapy advice; the existence of a perfect band; and upcoming guests on PMT.


LWJ&A – Episode 220: 10/11/2019

In this special episode, it’s the Lunch with Jim and A.Ron 5-year anniversary!

LIVE from Satan’s asshole: Jim and A.Ron talk about their first ever lunch and all of the burritos they have eaten; they sum up the 7th Annual BYPAX – roller coasters at Cedar Point and their favorite games played (meta-games included) such as Game of Thrones and Secret Hitler; we hear a sick beat Murderbear made for us; we ponder once again whether a hot dog is a sandwich; we think about the most memorable/touching lunch question we’ve ever had; how to save it for the ‘cast; water or anything else with a little bit of each other’s pee in it; J&A’s opinion on the situation in Hong Kong; thoughts on the new series Devs; would you be 15 now or when you were actually 15; we speculate on how much work it is to do this much work; whether or not we’ll get to see BLINK; who would benefit from a solo character study; our thoughts on checking out garage/yard sales and our favorite finds;  finally, how to continue (or not) following your favorite shows.


LWJ&A – Episode 220

Jim and A.Ron had another successful Double Hook Friday; A.Ron and Jim have both had major life-changing events; Opus has joined the studio; they discuss difficulties in operating a business; how to handle cold calls from political campaigns; El Camino coverage; where would famous Italian guitarist Jim Jones live in Italy; whether or not to skip the last GoT books; a good old-fashioned draft and potential future bridge draft; their concert history; Star Wars fan fic; Zach Snyder’s take on anything; and finally, Jim’s go-to burrito order.


LWJ&A – Episode 219

Jim and A.Ron discuss the latest TNG episodes A.Ron has seen; filming locations they have visited; the new KFC chicken/donut aberration; plans for future Telltale playthroughs; Fargo S4 hype; A.Ron’s favorite Bill Simmons guests; Andrew Yang’s UBI; an El Camino prep suggestion; some kind of Tic-Tac-Tech; VR gaming; Bald Move action figures must-have accessory; the…


LWJ&A – Episode 218

Jim and A.Ron give a Star Trek update; a good old-fashioned “what would you do” involving Russians on the ISS; coverage of His Dark Materials; whether or not you should be honest with your spouse; The Expanse coverage plans; a nice story to share about community; Jim and A.Ron switch bodies in a Freaky Friday; A.Ron’s interest in drag/trans language; the return of Old King Conan; plans to bring back Que Che L’evier; remembrance of 9/11; Wednesday night stream update; which TV character you would be; Jim’s thoughts on the new ‘Tool’ album; Andrew Yang’s “The War on Normal People” and thoughts of AI in the future; and the idea of Digital Utopianism.


LWJ&A – Episode 217

A.Ron update us on his fence saga while fighting the worse poison ivy he has ever had in his life; Jim’s beloved old couch was put to rest; the dilemma of contractors; Cecily gives us a job update; A.Ron and Jim are given a difficult choice; their plans for UFC 242; thoughts on Better Call Saul S4, Dark Crystal, TNG, The Wheel of Time, Succession, The Good Place, The Walking Dead, Rick and Morty Season 3 and a quick Leftovers revisit. Finally, we count down Bald Move’s Top 7 Boners.

Due to technical issues there is no video for this one!