The Rings of Power - S01E06 – Udûn

‘Tis an ill portent when Jimfiel deems another episode of TROP as a “Walking Dead” episode. But don’t worry, there are good things too! Galadriel is doing some bad guy stuff and Isildur seems like he’s vying for the role of Numenorean f-boi. A.Ronbrimbor ponders the questions, “Are the Numenoreans nearsighted? And which horse is Berek?” And yes, the show is still gorgeous.

House of the Dragon - S01E06 – The Princess and The Queen – Feedback

The feedbag is overflowing. Do you like the changes that the showrunners have made for the adaptation? Is Daemon pure chaos? How stinky is he? Apparently he reeks. Is Larys’ service leal? Did A.Ron and Jim misrepresent Alicent? Which party is confused about genes? Hear Jim and A.Ron discuss your questions and theories in this episode of feedback along with another installment of The Maester’s Corner!

The Rings of Power - S01E05 – Partings

A.Rondork and Jimbella are here to tell you about the good moments and a few moments to grumble about. Some speeches come a bit short of Independence Day level of inspiration, but nothing comes close to the magic of the relationship between Elrond and Durin. When Galadriel isn’t writing checks she can’t cash, she and the other Elves seem to be operating in stark black and white. So where does that leave the characters? Find out in this episode of Dug Too Deep.

House of the Dragon - S01E05 – We Light the Way – Feedback

Westeros Punnett squares might not actually be squares? Maybe more like circles because of the incest? What exactly is Daemon up to? We can’t be sure, and the show is doing that on purpose. Tensions run high when spurned lovers reach a breaking point and we get a Red-ish Wedding. Maybe an orange wedding? Explore these questions and more in this episode of feedback.

The Rings of Power - S01E04 – The Great Wave

The dwarves are possibly the best part of this show. Who else wants to see a dwarf scale a rock face? Galadriel gets some sense knocked into her head between those prosthetic ears. But do the writers have the sense to write the nuances that political allegory requires? Follow along Galadriel’s journey as the OG horse girl makes her way through this (still) very beautiful show.