Bald Move Prestige - The Godfather: Part II (1974)

Jim and A.Ron do another deep dive into the world of Coppola’s The Godfather, this time looking at Part II, which celebrates it’s 40th anniversary tomorrow.  A darker, more brooding, more intricate film that it’s predecessor, we struggle to answer the question, which is better?  Along the way we play a lot of what if’s and comparisons.  Clemenza or Pentangeli?  Vito or Michael?  Brando or De Niro? When did Vito decide to be the Don? What is Tom and Michael’s relationship at the end?  Where did Michael go wrong?  DID Michael go wrong?  All this and much more is contemplated in this mammoth two hour podcast, for your holiday enjoyment.  Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed recording it.

Bald Move Pulp - Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)

May the force be with you, always.  Many, many thanks to Andrew Mount for commissioning this podcast using our Subbable site, and effectively PAYING us to WATCH STAR WARS!  Oh my god, 11 year old me would lose his MIND if he found out.  Jim and I are OG Star Wars fans, and have been BSing about it for literally decades. What do we think of a movie we’ve seen hundreds of times?  How has our fandom changed over the years?  What the heck is wrong with Lucas, anyway?  The answers to this and much more lie in this podcast.  Listen.  It is your destiny.

Bald Move Pulp - Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

Big shout out to Freddie C, the man with the balls to drive his truck all the way to Cincinnati, grab his knife out of his boot, and tell us how it was going to be.  We were going to hop aboard the Porkchop Express and follow him coast to coast, double fisting sandwiches and spitting the truth about life, relationships, big rigs, and Big Trouble in Little China.  In short, we would be preaching the gospel of Jack Burton over the CB airwaves. But problems ensued.  Chinese monkey predator monsters. Lightning wielding rice patty farmers.  Ancient bastards stealing green eyed woman.  Smoldering mystical brews.  Then it was all over in a blinding flash of white light.  What few lunatic ravings that were able to be preserved, are here on this podcast for your enjoyment.

Bald Move Prestige - Barton Fink (1991)

Thanks to überfan Anthony Basich who used our Subbable subscription site to commission a personal podcast, for one of his favorite films, the 1991 Coen Brothers film, “Barton Fink”. Jim and A.Ron talk about the occasionally dark, occasionally funny, very deep and dreamy, take on the creative process, the Hollywood establishment, the rise of national socialism, the dangers of homoerotic suppression, an expose of ghostwriters, and wait–what the hell?  What is this film, anyway?  Jim and A.Ron grapple with these issues and more.

Bald Move Prestige - Quills (2000)

Special thanks to Karolina Ljungström, who decided to have us take on one of her favorite films, “Quills”.  “Quills” was released in 2000, and was directed by Phillip Kaufman, and starred Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet, Joaquin Phoenix, Michael Caine, and Stephen Moyer.  It is a period piece loosely set around the last years of the Marquis de Sade as he languishes in a French asylum for the insane. The film has Jim and A.Ron pondering the role of art in society, how the life choices and artist makes influences how we feel about art, and how madness and genius are related.

Bald Move Prestige - Run Lola Run (1998)

Hey guys and gals, we have another commissioned podcast, this time from fellow fan Stig Ove Pederson, for the German film, “Lola Rennt”, perhaps better known to english speakers as “Run Lola Run”.  A break out hit for both star Franka Potente (“The Bourne Identity”, “The Shield”, “The Bridge”) and director Tom Tykwer (“Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”, “Cloud Atlas”), the movie has a kinetic style, compelling action, and raises questions about causality, determinism, and free will.

Bald Move Prestige - Waking Life (2001)

Special thanks to Michael Kessler for using Subbable to commission his very own custom Podcast!  But we’re getting ahead of ourselves… Is this a podcast?  Is it a dream?  Will it’s connected consciousness evolve in a more enlightened, compassionate, sharing direction, or will it just want set itself on fire, scream into a megaphone to empty streets, or cut off eyelids and put out cigars on eyeballs?  Do you dream?  Do you remember your dreams?  Can you dream lucidly?  Have you ever been stuck in a dream?  Jim and A.Ron ponder all this and more in a very trippy recap to a very trippy movie/experience, Richard Linklater’s 2001, “Waking Life”.

Bald Move Prestige - The Sweet Hereafter (1997)

Special thanks to listener Ali who commissioned this podcast through our Subbable subscription system!  Jim and A.Ron check out the award winning 1997 film, “The Sweet Hereafter”, which is based on the novel of the same name by author Russell Banks, and is directed by Canadian filmmaker Atom Egoyan.  It stars Ian Holm (Lord of the Rings, Alien, Fifth Element) and Bruce Greenwood (Thirteen Days, Star Trek, Capote) among others.