Bald Move Pulp - Interstellar (2014), Snowpiercer (2013), Big Hero 6 (2014)
Jim, A.Ron and an 8 year old boy throw down on Interstellar, Snowpiercer, and Big Hero 6. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out who talks what.
Jim, A.Ron and an 8 year old boy throw down on Interstellar, Snowpiercer, and Big Hero 6. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out who talks what.
May the force be with you, always. Many, many thanks to Andrew Mount for commissioning this podcast using our Subbable site, and effectively PAYING us to WATCH STAR WARS! Oh my god, 11 year old me would lose his MIND if he found out. Jim and I are OG Star Wars fans, and have been BSing about it for literally decades. What do we think of a movie we’ve seen hundreds of times? How has our fandom changed over the years? What the heck is wrong with Lucas, anyway? The answers to this and much more lie in this podcast. Listen. It is your destiny.
Big shout out to Freddie C, the man with the balls to drive his truck all the way to Cincinnati, grab his knife out of his boot, and tell us how it was going to be. We were going to hop aboard the Porkchop Express and follow him coast to coast, double fisting sandwiches and spitting the truth about life, relationships, big rigs, and Big Trouble in Little China. In short, we would be preaching the gospel of Jack Burton over the CB airwaves. But problems ensued. Chinese monkey predator monsters. Lightning wielding rice patty farmers. Ancient bastards stealing green eyed woman. Smoldering mystical brews. Then it was all over in a blinding flash of white light. What few lunatic ravings that were able to be preserved, are here on this podcast for your enjoyment.
Surprise! Another sneak attack podcast, as I sit down with my seven year old son to review one of this weekend’s new releases, “Muppets Most Wanted”. We also compare it against “The Lego Movie” to wrap things up. Light muppet-related spoilers ahead!
Surprise! Our love for Aaron Paul led Jim and me to go see his new vehicle, “Need For Speed” on opening night! Wise decision? Find out as we break down the movie in our spoiler filled review.
Well what do you know? A bonus-bonus cast! Voting was so close for this week’s movies we decided to do both, one with me and Jim, and one with NotJim, my girlfriend. As a head strong, rebellious redhead, I thought she could bring some thunder to a cast covering “Brave”, which features a head strong, rebellious redhead. Did we strike more Pixar gold, or was this a Cars 2ish lump of coal?
The third Bald Movie, “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” was an interesting choice for us. Based on the book by the same title, (and screenwritten by the same author), I had started to talk myself into the notion that this movie could be cool; after all, Abraham Lincoln is the kind of historic figure that has the larger than life biography to fit something like vampire hunting into his life’s nooks and crannies, the Civil War provides an always fascinating background for great stories to be told, and, you know. Vampires. What did we think in the end?
Our coverage of the first listener assigned movie, the 80’s rock musical extravaganza “Rock of Ages”. In this episode, we meet a fan, discuss the trailers we saw, what we thought of the movie, and meditate on Tom Cruise’s facility at portraying megalomaniacal super stars and G-rated strip clubs in the spoiler section.
Our little experiment starts this week as we take a stab at reviewing the new Ridley Scott scifi-horror film, “Prometheus”. This is a free bonus cast so you can gauge what you’ll get for $1 when we do it “for real” next week. If you’ve seen the movie, you might want to take a peek at this livejournal review that analyzes some of the deeper themes involved, as Jim and I make reference to it quite a bit in the spoiler section.
It had to be done, folks. Just too high a concentration of badassery, bullshit, and balls to ignore. Jim and A.Ron post up in a local BW to break down the latest installment of insanity that is the Fast & the Furious franchise. Spoiler alert! Cars are driven fast, women’s bodies are oggled, nitrous oxide is injected, cocoa butter is applied to arms, chin stubble is sported, and one liners spouted. The audio quality is a little off since we recorded this on my blackberry sitting on a table during game four of the Bulls/ATL playoff series, but it’s easy to understand.