Bald Move Pulp - Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015)

Jim and A.Ron have seen the latest Star Wars, and declare it worthy of the name. Don’t expect Empire Strikes Back, but if you set your navicomputer expectations somewhere in Return of the Jedi’s neighborhood we think you’ll have a good time. We give about five minutes of non spoiler review up front, but then get hardcore old school Star Wars nerd talk. Meet us over in the forums if you want to talk about it!

Bald Move Pulp - Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Andrew “The Commissioner” Mount “strikes” again from his hidden rebel base, this time forcing us to watch Episode V of the Star Wars saga, “The Empire Strikes Back.”  Which, incidentally, depending on the age of the A.Ron you ask, is either his favoritist movie of all time, or top three.  Either way, it’s a treat.  Once again, Jim and I try to sort through our childhood and adult memories of this holiest of trilogies to give it the treatment it deserves. If you missed in the first time, or would like to listen again, you can check out our coverage of A New Hope, also brought to you by The Commish.  

Bald Move Pulp - Spectre (2015)

Jim and A.Ron went out over the long weekend and treated themselves to the latest James Bond flick, Spectre. After discussing the experience itself, in which we checked out our hometown’s newest theater experience, the Eastgate Brew and View, we dish on the few charms and big disappointments in Daniel Craig’s latest outing on Her Majesty’s Service, Daniel Craig’s place in the 007 pantheon, and our relationship with the series as a whole. Massive spoilers incoming, so if you want to see this unsullied, put this pod on the back burner until you’ve had a chance to experience it yourself.

Bald Move Pulp - Stargate (1994)

Today’s commissioned podcast is on 1994’s Stargate — brought to you by Dr. Brandon Devito, official dentist of Bald Move and international man of mystery. Directed by Roland Emmerich and starring Kurt Russell and James Spader, it is a star spanning intergalactic tale of ancient Egyptian themed aliens, slip-shod archaeology, and gun toting shepherd boys. The boys ponder how movies change as we age, Emmerich’s professional toolkit, the massive flaws in both Ra’s and team Stargate’s (SG-1?) plans. A good time is had by all.

Bald Move Pulp - The Martian (2015)

Jim and A.Ron saw Ridley Scott’s “The Martian” last night, starring Matt Damon, and have a lot to say about it. Note, the first part of the podcast is spoiler free, but then when we say we’re about to spoil things, that’s your cue to get out while the getting is good. Along the way, we talk about the trailers we saw for The Revenant, The Big Short, Joy, and Concussion.

The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Andrew “The Commissioner” Mount has indicated a fifth movie that needs some Bald Move attention, this time the 2012 horror “The Cabin in the Woods”. Written by Joss Whedon and directed by long time collaborated Drew Goddard, and staring the Mighty Thor, it was what I would describe as a pleasant surprise. I was prepared for a stock slasher flick, and what I got was… something more than that. Can’t really say much else, and if you’re a horror fan who somehow missed this, I encourage you to give it a watch before you give this a listen.

Bald Move Pulp - The Matrix (1999)

Thanks to Jefferson Betmarik for making us pull 1999’s The Matrix off our shelves and talk about it. This movie was directed by the Wachowski siblings, and stars Keanu Reeves, Lawerence Fishburne, and Carrie-Anne Moss among others. Jim and I have watched this movie so much, and spent so much time talking about it over the years, so it’s no surprise that we were able to easily fill 1:20 with our personal thoughts and observations. What surprised is was how many new thoughts and ideas we had from our latest watch. We had a lot of fun revisiting the movie, and I hope you get a kick out of listening.

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Special thanks to Joel Harris, who ordered us up a classic, the 2004 Zomedy, “Shaun of the Dead”. Directed by Edgar Wright, and starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, it offers a lot of gore, laughs, and a surprising amount of heart. The guys discuss their history with the film, it’s motifs and homages, and where it stacks up against the other films in “the Cornetto trilogy”. Thanks again, Joel!

Bald Move Pulp - Watchmen (2009)

Special thanks to two time Commissioner Andrew Mount for tasking us with the pleasure of watching Watchmen, a 2009 Zack Snyder adaptation of the classic comic book series by Alan Moore.  We both love the movie, and talk about our experiences with the comic and the movie, the metaphysical realities of being Doctor Manhattan, the philosophy of the Watchmen’s world view, and of course, giant glowing blue dongs.