Army of the Dead (2021)

You hear the concept for Zack Snyder’s “Army of the Dead”, a heist movie set in Las Vegas during the zombie apocalypse, and you can’t help but think it’s a great idea. Two great flavors that go great together. Turns out it is, but making the resulting movie enjoyable requires a lot more than just a great hook. Join two other flavors that go great together, Jim and special guest Jason from / The Walking Dead ‘Cast, to find out where things went wrong, and what went right in Army of the Dead.

Mortal Kombat (2021)

Do you like blood and gore? Do you enjoy self-aware video game nods? Do you like dead fish main characters that are overshadowed by the great action scenes that are the REAL reason you went to the theater? Well then, let me tell you about a movie called Mortal Kombat. We’ve seen the latest entry in the Mortal Kombat film franchise and it was pretty much everything we wanted. Join us for the podcast to hear our non-spoiler review as well as some trailer talk and, if you’re a Club Bald Move member or Patreon supporter, stick around for the full spoiler review.

Bald Move Pulp - World of Tomorrow (2015)

When we were commissioned to cover Don Hertzfeldt’s World of Tomorrow shorts, we weren’t sure if we’d even do it. Animated shorts aren’t usually our thing. We made an exception since they’re science fiction and it turns out that was the right call. World of Tomorrow is an excellent mediation on our lives and how we lead them through the lens of a future version of a girl named Emily and a clone of a man named David. Join us for far-reaching and interesting conversation about what it all means.

Thanks again to Grant for commissioning this project. You can get your very own custom commissioned podcast by visiting