For All Mankind - S03E07 – Bring It Down

What is being brought down? The reputation of the American Government? We’re doing that in this reality too, hey-o! Starting out with opposing views, Jim and A.Ron take you through an episode where not enough shoes drop and the chaos grows. If you feel the need to respond to Jim’s scorching hot take on the cute puppy/irritating noise machine, you can scream at him at about cyber puppy crimes.

For All Mankind - S03E06 – New Eden – Feedback

British listeners beware, Jim and A.Ron say git over and over and I promise it’s gonna sound a bit awkward. We’ve got feedback spanning several episodes and the best of the best feedback has survived the test of time as some theories and questions have been answered or disproved. And future predictions include a bitter fallout between Aleida and Margo. Listen to feedback from you!

For All Mankind - S03E05 – Seven Minutes of Terror

This episode gave us good scenes in bad storylines. After the space burial reminiscent of 2001: A Space Odyssey aesthetics, this interplanetary epic takes us through some emotion laden scenes. Danny is doing dumb stuff, Margo is doing dangerous stuff, and Sergei looks like the stuffing has been beat out of him. What does Aleida’s future look like if Margo’s secrets come to light? And are there cosmonaut defectors in the future?

Got feedback? Let us know at

For All Mankind - S03E04 – Happy Valley

Yo-ho, yo-ho, it’s a pirate’s life For All Mankind. Raise the mast and hoist the solar wind sails, we’re going to Mars! Will this race to Mars expose Russian spies and give rise to international tensions back home? Or will it all end in a friendly declaration of multi-ownership topped off with a round of hugs? Whoever gets there first has a big decision to make. But the real question, will wily cables be the downfall of the space race?

For All Mankind - S03E01-3 – Feedback

We’re discussing feedback for episodes 1-3 of season 3 of For All Mankind. Let us know what we missed, what we got wrong, and bring on those alternate future theories. Jim’s got an interesting one for you: did Yoko Ono kill the inventor of the pop-top can? And yes, there is a tiny bit of evidence to maybe support it. Let us know if you have even more to say about the unintentional villain of the series; the cables!
Got feedback? Send us a message at

For All Mankind - S03E03 – All In

This is it. The missions to Mars gather enough speed for launch just in time for 1994. How? Well, some shortcuts were taken, some ships repurposed, and perhaps some small bit of nuclear technology was given to the Soviets by a reluctant spy who presumably would have to shave her head completely bald to actually seal the deal with Sergei. Join us for the podcast to hear our thoughts on “All In”.