Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 602 – JSS – Instant Take

Jim and A.Ron are continuing to groove on The Walking Dead’s sixth season, with the newest episode “JSS”. Some minor quibbles with the rampant Morgalizing going on, we thoroughly enjoyed Bat-Carol, Teenage Mutant Ninja Morgan, Jesse completely destroying A.Ron’s “not a survivor” theory, and the general chaos and pandemonium this episode brought. We’ll be back with full coverage Tuesday, but until then use the links below to tell us what you’re thinking!

Breaking Good - 313 – Full Measure

In what is probably going to be the last Bald Move Breaking Bad podcast ever, we discuss the awesome season three finale that is episode 313, “Full Measure”. So much to talk about, from a back to the beginning’s cold open that has us rethinking what we know about Walt, to Mike planting his flag as an all time great in BrBa history, and the irrevocable moral choices that are going to have impacts that reverberate through the rest of the series.

It’s a great way to end things, and if this is your first time through, by all means continue to enjoy our complete coverage of one of the all time great television shows through seasons four and five. I envy you. If, like us, this is your second, third, or millionth time through, I hope you’ve enjoyed our three season retrospective watch. It has been a blast! Bring on season two of Better Call Saul!

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 601 – First Time Again

The (Real) Walking Dead makes a confident return with episode 601, “First Time Again”. We get sane Morgan, just-the-right-amount-of-crazy Rick, and thousands upon thousands of walkers. What can go wrong? Not much, as it turns out. An experiment with B&W photography could have been yet another failed attempt at artistry beyond their reach turned into a vital grounding technique to keep us in sync with an ever shifting time line, and those shifts did a heroes work plastering over some of the plot holes and inconsistencies of the main plot, while also showing important character shifts in interesting ways. And hey, zombies. Lots and lots of visually interesting, disgusting, soft headed zombies.

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 601 – First Time Again – Instant Take

The (Original Recipe) Walking Dead returns tonight with episode 601, “First Time Again”, and we’re relieved that it was actually pretty good! Packed with zombie action, rube goldberg-esque zombie herd management, and superior performances by Lennie James and Andrew Lincoln, it kept us entertained throughout the 1:30 run time. What did you think? Tell us using the links below, and we’ll be back Tuesday for our full coverage cast!

Breaking Good - 312 – Half Measures

A.Ron and Jim near the end of their re-watch of Breaking Bad season 3, with the thrilling episode “Half Measures”. An incredible episode that has you wondering what’s in store for next week’s installment, which is “Full Measure”. We discuss one of the all time great cold opens in BrBa history, “Wendy”, Marie’s motivational, uh, “techniques”, Mike’s shadowy past, and Walt’s Aztek at it’s most badass and heroic. As next episode will be our last Breaking Bad cast ever, we paused in our coverage to allow you guys to have your say about the series as a whole, or whatever is on your mind. Use the links below to get in touch with us, and we’ll see you back next week to say goodbye to Breaking Bad.

Fear The Watching Dead - 106 – The Good Man

Jim and A.Ron have a lot of thoughts about the final episode and first season of “Fear the Walking Dead” as a whole. Is episode 106, “The Good Man”, in fact, “A Good Episode?” Not really. We delve into the numerous problems of Handsome Soldier, Liza’s choice, hell even Tuxedo Man’s sheer coolness can’t spare him from our savage take on the series. It’s like we unleash 2000 walkers onto the writer’s room of Fear the Walking Dead. The air evac squad comes mid-way through podcast to bail them out, but then sees the mailbag, and nopes out of there. Abandon all hope, ye who listen.