Bald Move Pulp - Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Jim and I saw a Star Wars film tonight.  We were displeased. If you loved or liked the film, we’re really happy for you. But this trilogy wasn’t for us, much like it’s father, the prequel trilogy before it. If you hate the film, we totally get that, too. All we ask is that you try to be happy for the people who are happy, and try to be understanding to the people who are feeling a bit numb like us.  We’ll be back in 2020 for some more awesome movies, and probably a few that will suck, as is tradition. See you then!

Bald Move Pulp - His Dark Materials – S01E05 – The Lost Boy

Cecily and Alexis talk about the latest episode of His Dark Materials, “The Lost Boy”.  They discuss the nature of daemons and their importance, and knowing who to trust, cuddle, and open up to, before considering feedback and some light spoilers. Join the discussion:  Email  |  Forums Follow us: Twitter  |  Instagram  |  Facebook Leave…