Star Trek: The Original Series - S02E02 – Ad Astra Per Aspera 

Do you remember “The Measure of a Man” episode from Star Trek: Next Generation? Strange New Worlds is holding their own courtroom melodrama. Pike looks for a lawyer as Commander Una Chin-Riley is put on trial. What is natural? What is unnatural? Are those concepts inherently good or bad? Is that a bald Vulcan?? Discuss these serious and silly questions with Jim and A.Ron on this episode of Baldly Go.

Star Trek: The Original Series - S02 Preview

Welcome to the new podcast Baldly Go! This pod will cover all things Star Trek starting with the highly anticipated season two of Strange New Worlds. Can the world of Star Trek be redeemed from the folly of recent years? What new characters and old enemies will we meet at the edges of the galaxy? Get a breakdown of all those moments in the trailer and what that could mean.