Dungeons and Demogorgons - Season 4a Wrapup

This season of Stranger Things brought on the 80s nostalgia and lots of great moments. We have opinions, you have feedback, let’s talk about it! Listen in on Vecna theories, relationship analyses, and your hot takes on your favorite (or least favorite) Stranger Things Season 4 moments. We’re now looking forward to a big, shiny bow to tie up this entire journey in the rest of this season and the next.

Dungeons and Demogorgons - 406 – Chapter Six: The Dive

With the finale right around the corner, we’re hoping for some surprises. The characters are still in transit, but we feel like they’re building to something big with Eleven’s backstory. While waiting for her powers to return, we’re also anticipating the death of one of our favorite characters, and enjoying Murray and Joyce’s adventures. The Satanic Panic is sweeping up members of the Hellfire Club, so now is not the time to let people know that I play a Tiefling.

Dungeons and Demogorgons - 405 – Chapter Five: The Nina Project

Ha! You thought Nina was a person? We totally didn’t. Nope, haha, we always knew. Speaking of never being confused, we’ve got some theories and predictions that we’re holding tight to. We’re witnessing the point of no return and an escape that could only happen in the 80s, nothing to do with Kurt Russell in New York though. And how many modems can you recognize just by the sound? I guarantee it’s more than me, but less than Jim and A.Ron. 

Dungeons and Demogorgons - 404 – Chapter Four: Dear Billy

The Vecna isn’t the only horrifying thing that you see this season. Shedding the skin of the fun, breezy Stranger Things that we started with a few years ago, this season is going down darker roads. We have to sit with these characters through more adult situations as they try to navigate these with kid solutions. And it is starting to seem that Hopper is likely evolving into a Steven McQueen-esque superhero. Maybe.

Dungeons and Demogorgons - 402 – Chapter Two: Vecna’s Curse

Someone take care of these kids! Eleven/Jane is being bullied and Will, easily the most traumatized child in Hawkins, is hurting and wants his friends back. We hope life is kind to this cinnamon roll of a person, but this is Hawkins. A.Ron is putting on Dustin’s thinking cap and has some theories to present. How is everyone with guilt or dark secrets going to be affected by Vecna? We’re dying to find out. 

Dungeons and Demogorgons - 401 – Chapter One: The Hellfire Club

Stranger Things is back with a moodier season and we’re here for it. Hawkins, Indiana is haunted and harassed once more by…STRANGE things (I couldn’t help myself). The kids are growing up and growing apart while finding their place in the world. And who is this monster for this season? Mind Flayer 2.0, some sort of Soul Reaper, someone who spent way too much time in the sun? We’re ready to find out.