
Reign of Fire (2002) – LIVEWATCH

A.Ron and Jim investigate the documentary Reign of Fire, which chronicles what happens when greedy early-21st century dragon tycoons delved too greedily and too deep for dragons in the very bowels of London. Nothing good, that’s what! Come sync up the film and watch with us or put on our commentary track for background laughs. They’re no wrong way to do a LiveWatch!

Bald Move Pulp - Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Jim and I have seen the climax to a decade’s worth of world building in the MCU, Avengers: Endgame, and would like to certify it 100% awesome. Sure, you might quibble with a few cameos you don’t recognize, and the more you’re capable of rolling with the “Rule of Cool” the more you’ll appreciate the spectacle they’re putting on screen. But it’s hard to imagine any fan of superhero movies not respecting what an accomplishment this is; to get so many people across the globe to care about and invest in these characters through 20+ movies that they’ll sit in the dark for 3+ hours laughing and crying with them. How does Marvel top this? Can’t wait to find out.

Conan the Barbarian (1982)

Grab your sword and strap on your sandals! We’re celebrating the return of Game of Thrones by doing a season long look at the fantasy films that came before it. From the classic to the camp, we love them all! S2F2: Fantasy kicks off with Conan the Barbarian, a film that helped launch the career of one Arnold Schwarzenegger into the stratosphere. And sure, we can quibble with some of the sillier plot points happening in the margins, and some of the casting, and a lot of the hair and makeup, but Conan is a serious film with some great set pieces, an absolutely magnetic star, and it even manages to land a few points that approach the profound. Listen to our podcast, or watch the enhanced video version below!

Bald Move Pulp - Hellboy (2019)

Jim and I saw the Neil Marshall helmed, David Harbour starring 2019 reboot of Hellboy. And it’s the definition of a mixed bag. Sporting an impressively low 11% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Jim thought the movie was bad, but I borderline loved it. I have no explanation for my critical disparity, and I can see the issues with plot and humor that Jim and others are expressing but… I’ve seen a helluva lot of worse movies this year get better reviews. Am I losing my touch? Or do you just have to be a die hard Hellboy fan to admire what this movie has to offer. It’s a damn shame, because while I think everyone can agree that Harbour makes an excellent Hellboy, the movie isn’t likely to get the sequel his casting deserves.

Bald Move Pulp - Pet Sematary (2019)

A.Ron and Jim talk about the latest attempt at a Stephen King adaptation, Pet Sematary. The movie is genuinely scary and horrifying when it wants to be, unfortunately in our opinion they squander a lot of time and goodwill in the first act flailing about conceptually which keeps us from connecting with the characters and setting the way we should. But still, the family dynamics, endangered children, and a great Jon Lithgow performance does just enough to sell us when things that were better off left dead aren’t.

Bald Move Prestige - The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (2019)

We’ve seen Chiwetel Ejiofor’s (star of 12 Years a Slave, Doctor Strange) directorial debut on Netflix, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, and found it compelling and enlightening. Based on a true story about a Malawian boy who saves his village from famine with his wits, ingenuity, and education, The Boy offers us an inside look at things we can barely begin to relate to; widespread starvation, civil unrest and the breakdown of society. Things that we may have to relate to sooner than we think.