Legion - 102 – Chapter 2

Jason, A.Ron and Jim get a bit of an Empire Strikes Back vibe from the second episode of FX’s Legion, which tones down a bit of the psychedelic trippiness in favor of world and character building. Join us for a stroll through David’s museum of memories as we talk about the highlights and further mysteries of shadowy government agencies and the mutants who rebel against them.

Bald Move Pulp - Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Jim and A.Ron have seen Captain America: Civil War, and they really, really liked what they saw. It was fun, weighty, maybe a bit long with the usual seeming plot holes (which comic fans can probably fill), but nothing that comes close to threatening to stop the runaway hype train that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We give you a fairly detailed non-spoiler review, before considering the many highly entertaining trailers that ran up front, and then finally, getting around to our no holds barred spoiler section. You’ll have to be a Club member to get the spoiler take, and read on to find out how you can sign up!