Watching Westworld - S04E02 – Well Enough Alone – Instant Take

Is it a simulation? Is it real life? Does your brain hurt yet? Hopefully any cranial discomfort is due to confusion and not black goo between your ears. We’ve got some theories on how this season is going to pan out. Join us as we try to figure out which reality we can trust.
Do your theories include predictions? We love those. Send in those and your feedback to

Watching Westworld - S04E01 – The Auguries – Feedback

How do you know what’s real on this show? Who do you believe? But what we do know, the practical knowledge of Westworld is paying off and people are protecting their precious food from packs of raccoons. If we could have a philosopher chime in on the free will vs. predestination thoughts, that would be great. Unless…we’re all already in a simulation and the point is moot.
Got feedback? Do you have proof we’re in a simulation? Send us a message at

Watching Westworld - S04E01 – The Auguries

You know that fly that’s hanging out on your wall? Yeah, it’s out to get you. Before your eyes cross reading all those theories on Reddit, check out this episode of Watching Westworld as we gear up for watching the rest of season 4! Where do you stand on what makes a human? And listen to the fun facts A.Ron found on the Internet.


Westworld - S04E01 – The Auguries – Instant Take

The season opener sets up a lot of interesting questions about how things have changed in the 7+ years since the end of season 3 and, in true Westworld fashion, who is who and what is real. Join us for our first impressions in the “Instant Take”, recorded minutes after watching the episode. And enjoy the subsequent Q&A “Instant Talk” portion of the show if you’re a Club Bald Move member.

Watching Westworld - Season 4 Preview

The Westworld season 4 premiere is just a week away so A.Ron and I are back for a preview. Because it’s been over two years since the previous season aired, we start off with a discussion of where we left each character, which leads us into discussion of the season 4 trailer. Join us for the preview to get ready for the next season!

We Own This City - Series Wrapup

Thanks for sending in your feedback! Now that we have the benefit of looking back on the complete series of We Own This City, we have the advantage of looking at this multi-layer problem as a whole. This show offers us viewers a chance to engage with and develop compassion for people we may not share experience with. That is prestige television at its best. And please enjoy the American accent lesson from an informed listener.

We Own This City - S01E06 – Part Six

David Simon ends his statement in a finale that leaves us both heartbroken and hopeful. The bad guys in blue are behind bars, but that’s not enough. The current broken system will churn out more. Does Jenkins, and people like him, truly realize that they are part of the problem? How far can this situation push until it breaks people like Nicole Steele? It makes us ask the question, what does it mean to truly do good and create a justice system based on rehabilitation and redemption?

We Own This City - S01E05 – Part Five

In the penultimate episode of We Own This City, we’re seeing the investigation probe deeper into the corruption of the police department and the boys in blue are getting antsy. Nicole Steele shares a new layer and insight to her personal experiences. Watch with dismay as the corruption in Baltimore extends all the way into President 45’s administration. When everybody points the finger at everyone else, how does anything get fixed?
Have feedback? Drop us a line at Looking for more on the subject? Check out Season 3 of Serial, start here.

We Own This City - S01E04 – Part Four – Feedback

Looking at the systemic problems impeding justice, we wonder: how do we create solutions? And that’s the rub, there are no immediate solutions. The way forward will be incremental changes over years. Sounds like too long? It is. This is a multigenerational problem. Hopefully the addition of shows like The Wire and We Own This City are changing minds and bringing more attention to issues that need to be dealt with.

And thank you to the Baltimore residents who write in to check the authenticity of the show and provide more context. And for confirming Jon Bernthal’s Baltimore dialect is accurate.