Electric Bookaloo: HOTD S02E07 – The Red Sowing – Rewatch
Should the Corlys progeny connection be more obvious? Also, why is Oscar Tully’s take down of Daemon so delightful? Steve and Anthony discuss the Red Sowing.
Should the Corlys progeny connection be more obvious? Also, why is Oscar Tully’s take down of Daemon so delightful? Steve and Anthony discuss the Red Sowing.
Lord Commander A.Ron and King Jimhaerys have received your ravens. Is there hope for Team Green? Why don’t we see major technological changes between HOTD and GOT? Will GRRM ever finish the books? Why would a dragon pick a rider? Listen to your feedback in this episode of HOTD!
The penultimate episode of House of the Dragon delivered on the DRAGON! Team Black apologists are sweating at Rhaenyra’s choices. Alicent has had enough of Team Green. And let’s hear it for Oscar Tully for going toe-to-toe with Daemon and living to tell the tale. Maybe Lord Commander A.Ron and King Jimhaerys should check their family trees for Targ blood…
We’re talking about House of the Dragon Season 2. Jump in the chat and submit your questions/commentary.
This episode of Dark Matter is a hit of an episode for book-reader Jim and show-only A.Ron alike! At what point is it appropriate to have a midlife crisis? Prime Jason is turning into the world’s most paranoid man. What will that make Daniela when she finds out the truth?
Turn the brightness on your TV waaaay up for this episode of House of the Dragon. The children go to war with each other. The spouses are shuffled. And yet MORE kids appear in the book than in the show. Find out which Targaryen bad boys are Jim and A.Ron’s favorites. For this episode Jim and A.Ron cover pages 379 – 386 of the hardcover edition of Fire and Blood corresponding to the episode Driftmark. Keep it leal!
Does this episode even qualify as a very special episode? Maybe as a cautionary tale to keep your tetanus shot updated? Jay and A.Ron ponder this and many other intersections of the tradwife lifestyle and old school settler/colonialism in 19th century America. Plus, an update on how to do CPR properly from a health care professional. They sent along a video of a robot doing chest compressions on a human being and it’s not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach!
Shogun just can’t miss. This episode recontextualizes some of the death-oriented attitudes of previous episodes. Jim and A.Ron, self-described aging prostitutes, are tackling this episode with all the fervor of someone preparing for battle. With ice cold lines, tragic backstories, and surprises bursting through the wall, this episode will have you on the edge of your seat.
Just as Jim and A.Ron were getting back into the Fargo saddle, tragedy strikes! Jim has fallen ill and so A.Ron turns to Pete Peppers to help break down all the puppety action this episode. What does Dot’s dream escapades tell us about her inner conflict? What kind of unholy vengeance does Ole Munch have planned for the Tillmans? And holy hell, Gator is almost 30?!? We’ll get fully caught up with this week’s episode and feedback with another new host by the end of the week! Thanks for your patience as we reroute things to cover for Jim in his hour of need.
Jim thinks it’s a return to form. A.Ron isn’t so sure this is going to bode well for the future of the show. Margot is making bold new steps. Are we starting down a Dark Margot plot line? With the revolt and Dev’s impending arrival, Mars is shaping up to be a rogue state. And Ed, please, that is ENOUGH cheese.