The Imitation Game (2014)

This podcast for 2014’s “The Imitation Game” was commissioned on Subbable by a shadowy MI6 agent who for reasons of operational security, would prefer to remain anonymous.  We have seen the film, and we have very mixed feelings about it.  On the one hand, it is an artistic and emotional triumph, which really helped us empathize with Alan Turing’s life long struggle as a brilliant autistic homosexual man to be accepted and loved as he led the Allied war effort to break the “unbreakable” Nazi Enigma encryption system and save millions of lives.  On the other hand, the film takes so many personal and historical liberties with Turing’s very real life and the very real Project Ultra that we don’t know what to believe.

Bald Move Prestige - Anne of Green Gables (1985)

Super fan Keith Fisher commissioned this podcast on Subbable as a Christmas present for his lovely wife, as it is one of her all time favorite movies.  I feel like I’m sliding a large lump of coal down her stocking (hey now!) because it was not Jim and I’s favorite movie.  But still, we gave it the Bald Move treatment!  Are you in the mood for a heartwarming story of a megalomaniac orphan spiritually and emotionally enslaved by a shut in old couple, as she seeks death in ever more creative ways while lashing out in rages against old ladies and class clowns?  As if this tale weren’t already dark enough, how will this sleepy Canadian community deal with the pedophilic school teacher in their midst?  Will Matthew’s old heart be able to take it?! (Spoiler alert: It will not.)  So, Merry Christmas, Keith’s wife!  Put down the chalk board and climb down from the roof’s edge, I’m sure the rest of your presents will be better…

Bald Move Pulp - Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)

May the force be with you, always.  Many, many thanks to Andrew Mount for commissioning this podcast using our Subbable site, and effectively PAYING us to WATCH STAR WARS!  Oh my god, 11 year old me would lose his MIND if he found out.  Jim and I are OG Star Wars fans, and have been BSing about it for literally decades. What do we think of a movie we’ve seen hundreds of times?  How has our fandom changed over the years?  What the heck is wrong with Lucas, anyway?  The answers to this and much more lie in this podcast.  Listen.  It is your destiny.

Bald Move Pulp - Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

Big shout out to Freddie C, the man with the balls to drive his truck all the way to Cincinnati, grab his knife out of his boot, and tell us how it was going to be.  We were going to hop aboard the Porkchop Express and follow him coast to coast, double fisting sandwiches and spitting the truth about life, relationships, big rigs, and Big Trouble in Little China.  In short, we would be preaching the gospel of Jack Burton over the CB airwaves. But problems ensued.  Chinese monkey predator monsters. Lightning wielding rice patty farmers.  Ancient bastards stealing green eyed woman.  Smoldering mystical brews.  Then it was all over in a blinding flash of white light.  What few lunatic ravings that were able to be preserved, are here on this podcast for your enjoyment.

Bald Move Prestige - Barton Fink (1991)

Thanks to überfan Anthony Basich who used our Subbable subscription site to commission a personal podcast, for one of his favorite films, the 1991 Coen Brothers film, “Barton Fink”. Jim and A.Ron talk about the occasionally dark, occasionally funny, very deep and dreamy, take on the creative process, the Hollywood establishment, the rise of national socialism, the dangers of homoerotic suppression, an expose of ghostwriters, and wait–what the hell?  What is this film, anyway?  Jim and A.Ron grapple with these issues and more.

Bald Move Prestige - Quills (2000)

Special thanks to Karolina Ljungström, who decided to have us take on one of her favorite films, “Quills”.  “Quills” was released in 2000, and was directed by Phillip Kaufman, and starred Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet, Joaquin Phoenix, Michael Caine, and Stephen Moyer.  It is a period piece loosely set around the last years of the Marquis de Sade as he languishes in a French asylum for the insane. The film has Jim and A.Ron pondering the role of art in society, how the life choices and artist makes influences how we feel about art, and how madness and genius are related.

Bald Move Pulp - The Wire – Omar Comin’ – Commissioned Podcast

Hey there, A.Ron here with a very special commissioned podcast with a unique history and focus.  First, thanks to Andrew Stannard for using Subbable to make this all possible, and for working with us patiently on the format of the podcast.

Andrew wanted us to talk about The Wire.  The problem is, I’ve got massive plans for a Ultimate Badass Criterion Sapphire The Wire Podcast, and I didn’t want to take his money to release an inferior version.  So, we compromised.  We’d record a podcast about his favorite character, Omar Little, and we’d highlight two episodes that showcase a particular facet of the character, all without doing any major spoilers. I selected episode 206, “All Prologue”, and 306, “Homecoming”, to show off Omar at his best, and Omar at one of his lowest points.  Along the way Jim and I gush about The Wire, why we love it, why it can be hard at times to love, why Omar is such an important character for The Wire in general and pop culture at large, and talk about our favorite moments from these two episodes.  I also divulge some details about my upcoming The Wire podcast series, and why it’s taking so damn long.

Bald Move Prestige - Run Lola Run (1998)

Hey guys and gals, we have another commissioned podcast, this time from fellow fan Stig Ove Pederson, for the German film, “Lola Rennt”, perhaps better known to english speakers as “Run Lola Run”.  A break out hit for both star Franka Potente (“The Bourne Identity”, “The Shield”, “The Bridge”) and director Tom Tykwer (“Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”, “Cloud Atlas”), the movie has a kinetic style, compelling action, and raises questions about causality, determinism, and free will.

Bald Move Prestige - Waking Life (2001)

Special thanks to Michael Kessler for using Subbable to commission his very own custom Podcast!  But we’re getting ahead of ourselves… Is this a podcast?  Is it a dream?  Will it’s connected consciousness evolve in a more enlightened, compassionate, sharing direction, or will it just want set itself on fire, scream into a megaphone to empty streets, or cut off eyelids and put out cigars on eyeballs?  Do you dream?  Do you remember your dreams?  Can you dream lucidly?  Have you ever been stuck in a dream?  Jim and A.Ron ponder all this and more in a very trippy recap to a very trippy movie/experience, Richard Linklater’s 2001, “Waking Life”.

Bald Move Pulp - “The Americans” 101 & 102 – Commissioned Podcast

Special thanks to Brian G. for commissioning this custom podcast using our Subbable subscription system!  Brian decided to have us take a peek at FX’s The Americans, episodes 101 and 102, “Pilot” and “The Clock”, and we were only too happy to oblige.  The Americans is a taut, well made, great looking, and stylish thriller set in the heydey of the Reagan Administration revolving around two Russian intelligence agents deeply embedded as American civilians.  What did we like?  What didn’t we like?  Listen and find out!  Thanks again, Brian!