HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - Electric Bookaloo: Eddard XIII

Dr. Jan Wilson says farewell to King Robert and Ned’s chance for a happy life. Steve reacts to Hardhome. Anthony shares his half-baked Dante’s Inferno theory. Theme song: Game of Thrones (80’s TV Theme) by Highway Superstar Join the discussion:  | Discord | Reddit | Forums Follow us:  Instagram | Leave Us A Review on Apple Podcasts


Cowboy Bebop, Wheel of Time, 8-Bit Christmas, Hallmark Christmas Roundup, Culture Series, Patron Topics – Off the Clock

This time on Off the Clock we do a wrapup of Cowboy Bebop’s first and only season, talk about Wheel of Time and streaming service woes, decide whether 8-Bit Christmas is a new holiday classic and A.Ron does a Hallmark Christmas roundup. Then he talks a bit about Iain M. Banks’ “Culture” series before we finish off the episode with this month’s Patron topics.

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - Electric Bookaloo: Eddard XII

Kavita Mudan Finn discusses Ned’s surprising confrontation with Cersei. Steve considers the many uses of the phrase “…until we find a cock merchant.” Theme song: Game of Thrones (80’s TV Theme) by Highway Superstar Join the discussion:  | Discord | Reddit | Forums Follow us:  Instagram | Anthony Le Donne is the co-author of the following books: Gods of Thrones,…

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - BONUS BOOKALOO: Trial by Combat

This bonus podcast is a single interview with Dr. Peter Leeson on the topic of trial by combat. Surprisingly, Dr. Leeson argues that this option was among the best for settling land disputes. Theme song: Game of Thrones (80’s TV Theme) by Highway Superstar Join the discussion:  | Discord | Reddit | Forums Follow us:  Instagram | Anthony Le Donne…