HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - Electric Bookaloo: Jon VI
Dr. Iain MacInnes (medieval historian) covers Jon’s troubles at the Wall. Steve Ausburne voices his pro-human sacrifice platform. And Kris Swank talks about celibacy in Westeros.
Dr. Iain MacInnes (medieval historian) covers Jon’s troubles at the Wall. Steve Ausburne voices his pro-human sacrifice platform. And Kris Swank talks about celibacy in Westeros.
Dr. Jan Wilson says farewell to King Robert and Ned’s chance for a happy life. Steve reacts to Hardhome. Anthony shares his half-baked Dante’s Inferno theory. Theme song: Game of Thrones (80’s TV Theme) by Highway Superstar Join the discussion: | Discord | Reddit | Forums Follow us: Instagram | Leave Us A Review on Apple Podcasts
Dr. Shiloh Carroll talks about Dany’s relationship to the Dosh Kaleen. Steve does two impressions: Paul Lynde arguing with Stannis. Kavita points to the Shakespearian inspirations for Cersei.
This time on Off the Clock we do a wrapup of Cowboy Bebop’s first and only season, talk about Wheel of Time and streaming service woes, decide whether 8-Bit Christmas is a new holiday classic and A.Ron does a Hallmark Christmas roundup. Then he talks a bit about Iain M. Banks’ “Culture” series before we finish off the episode with this month’s Patron topics.
Kavita Mudan Finn discusses Ned’s surprising confrontation with Cersei. Steve considers the many uses of the phrase “…until we find a cock merchant.” Theme song: Game of Thrones (80’s TV Theme) by Highway Superstar Join the discussion: | Discord | Reddit | Forums Follow us: Instagram | Anthony Le Donne is the co-author of the following books: Gods of Thrones,…
Stephanie Barbé Hammer discusses Sansa’s budding political perception. Steve is unimpressed with sports in Mereen. Anthony shares his email exchanges with Elio Garcia and Carol Parrish Jamison about knights.
Dr. Carol Parish Jamison (expert on knights and knightly codes) joins Anthony to talk about examples of knighthood in Westeros. Jamison covers Ned’s proclamation of justice regarding the “false knight” Gregor Clegane. Steve is loving the Tyrion-Jorah dynamic. Anthony reads from GRRM’s short story about Daemon Targaryen.
This is a Bronn-heavy episode as Iain MacInnes covers Tyrion VI. Steve and Anthony talk about Frankenstien typology relative to episode 503. Anthony explores the various (contradictory?) ways to become a knight.
Anthony and Chad take a trip up north and check in with the politics at the Wall. Steve chooses an ASOIAF religion and negotiates his feelings about the Dorne plot. Iain MacInnes talks about militaristic orders and the Night’s Watch.
This bonus podcast is a single interview with Dr. Peter Leeson on the topic of trial by combat. Surprisingly, Dr. Leeson argues that this option was among the best for settling land disputes. Theme song: Game of Thrones (80’s TV Theme) by Highway Superstar Join the discussion: | Discord | Reddit | Forums Follow us: Instagram | Anthony Le Donne…