Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 402 – “Infected”

Hello and welcome once again to our complete coverage of “The Walking Dead” episode 402, “Infected”.  This week, we play whodunnit with corpses alternately rodent and crispy, discuss the utility of farmer hats, lay odds on which of the tow-headed orphans will turn out to be the crazy one, Carol’s badass mama-bear/schoolmarm act, Michonne’s haunted…

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 401 – “30 Days Without an Accident”

Welcome back to “The Walking Dead” everybody!  This is our first full length, feature cast, and it’s bursting with new features, courtesy of our Kickstarter campaign.  We’ve got instant casts, skits, live video casting, all kinds of stuff, head over to our project page for the full details.  And hey!  You have about 24 hours…

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 401i – “30 Days Without an Accident” – Instant Take

Jim and I recorded our first “instant take” podcast for season four of “The Walking Dead”, for episode 401 – “30 Days Without an Accident”.  While we have some quibbles here and there, we’re in agreement that this was a pretty darn good episode of The Walking Dead!  We get to slow down and have a…

Breaking Good - Breaking Bad Series Wrap Up – Part 2

And now, for real. This is the end. The last Bald Move podcast for the finale season of “Breaking Bad”. And fittingly, it’s mostly about you, the listener. Your predictions. Your final thoughts and feedback. Your fan-made projects and labors of love. Other than a brief diversion to talk about Jeffery Katzenburg’s ludicrous 75 million dollar offer for just three more episodes of “Breaking Bad”, it’s all feedback. Hope you enjoy it!

Breaking Good - 516 – Felina

And now we arrive at the end, “Felina”. I had such an awesome time at our Breaking Bad finale party, that it didn’t even sink in until my private rewatchings at home how bittersweet it was. Walt falling dead in the arms of his lover; science, chemistry, even meth, after having finally provided for his family, made peace with his wife, and freed his partner… it was pretty intense. A lot of people, critics and fans, have quibbles about the pacing, the plot, the neatness of it all, but to me, it was a love letter from Vince to us. Like Batman to Gotham city, “Felina” perhaps wasn’t the ending that Walt, and by extension, us, deserved. But it was the ending that we needed.