Breaking Good - 301 – No Mas

We’re back! Summer just ain’t summer without some of the old Heisenberg Blue, and we’re crushing and snorting episodes from here on out until we wrap up our coverage for season three. First up, the Bryan Cranston directed, Vince Gilligan written premiere, “No Mas”. Walt wants out, Skyler wants Walt out of the house, Jesse embraces his role as the bad guy, and Walt Jr. turns down waffles. This and other shocking developments are considered, and we analyze some character arcs in the spoiler section, safely tucked away at the end of the podcast.

Mad Men Happy Hour - Season Seven Wrap Up

Well, now it’s the time for teary good byes and fond farewells.  Except, we’re still going to be releasing podcasts about Mad Men for another, oh, eight months or so.  Tune in and found out our thoughts on the ending of Mad Men, the future of our Mad Men coverage, who’s “okay” and who’s “not okay”, our favorite episodes, songs, and seasons, and how Mad Men stacks up against it’s Golden Age of Television competition.  We’ll be back in a few days or weeks with an interview of Tom Wilson, editor of “Person to Person” among many other classic Mad Men episodes, which you can pass on some questions to using our contact links below.  And starting in June, be on the lookout for our season by season retrospective coverage of Mad Men.  Hope we see you there!

Mad Men Happy Hour - 714 – “Person to Person”

Jim and A.Ron think the end of the finale episode of AMC’s Mad Men, entitled “Person to Person”, leaves a lot of room for interpretation, for both cynicism and optimism… What was our take? A little bit of both, to be honest. Listen to hear us talk about how we felt watching Mad Men come to a close, the parts that tugged our heart strings, the parts that had us squealing like school girls, saying our goodbyes to our favorite characters, and paying our ultimate respects to one Matthew Weiner. Thank you for making this excellent show, sir. That might be all for Mad Men, but it is most definitely NOT the last you’ve heard from the Happy Hour. Tune in next week for a series wrap up podcast, and also to hear news for our plans with Mad Men in the months to come. See you then!