HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - Season 5 Wrapup

Jim and A.Ron wrap up their season five coverage with a little bit of reflection, some predictions and theories for next year, and a whole lot of email.  Don’t forget we’ll be playing through Tell Tale’s Game of Thrones video game, starting tonight at 7:30pm EST.  You can watch live or later at your leisure, but you will have to be a Club member to view our play through.  Otherwise, see you next season!

Mad Men Happy Hour

Mad Men Happy Hour - Season Six Wrap Up

This is it!  The final podcast of the season!  It’s a bittersweet symphony as Jim and A.Ron talk about major events in season six, predictions for next year, and consider one last round of our awesome listener feedback.  A couple of links for your enjoyment… The Vietnam War parallels of Detroit/Chevy