Orange is the New Cast - Season Three Wrap Up

Pi’ilani and Cecily are back with A.Ron to give season three an epic send off. We discuss our final thoughts on the Piper/Alex/Stella triangle, thoughts on Piper’s Panty Business moving forward, where Sophia goes from here, touch on Healy and Caputo, and try to anticipate some of the plots and resolutions for season four. All this plus some last minute feedback from our fellow fans. Thanks for a great season, everybody, and we’ll see you next year.

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - Season 5 Wrapup

Jim and A.Ron wrap up their season five coverage with a little bit of reflection, some predictions and theories for next year, and a whole lot of email.  Don’t forget we’ll be playing through Tell Tale’s Game of Thrones video game, starting tonight at 7:30pm EST.  You can watch live or later at your leisure, but you will have to be a Club member to view our play through.  Otherwise, see you next season!

Mad Men Happy Hour - Season Seven Wrap Up

Well, now it’s the time for teary good byes and fond farewells.  Except, we’re still going to be releasing podcasts about Mad Men for another, oh, eight months or so.  Tune in and found out our thoughts on the ending of Mad Men, the future of our Mad Men coverage, who’s “okay” and who’s “not okay”, our favorite episodes, songs, and seasons, and how Mad Men stacks up against it’s Golden Age of Television competition.  We’ll be back in a few days or weeks with an interview of Tom Wilson, editor of “Person to Person” among many other classic Mad Men episodes, which you can pass on some questions to using our contact links below.  And starting in June, be on the lookout for our season by season retrospective coverage of Mad Men.  Hope we see you there!

Breaking Good - Season One Wrap Up

Jim and A.Ron sign off the Breaking Bad airwaves until sometime in November 2014, but we have a few things to say before we do. We talk about Breaking Bad’s relationship to Fargo, a listener calls BS on giving Walt a pass on his “authentic” decision making, and we do a deep dive on Hank and Walt’s relationship as we play a little bit of “what if” in the spoiler section.

Fargo - Season One Wrapup

Jim, A.Ron and Eric three way bang the Fargo wrap up for season one. We talk the finale, possible plots for season two, more Fargo story telling innovations, and A.Ron learns to stop worrying and love the Gus. All this plus a heaping helping of your awesome feedback!

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - Season Four Wrap Up

And now the end is here, as Jim and A.Ron sign off on a fantastic season of Game of Thrones with a season four extravaganza.  We give our overall opinions on S4, talk about how it stacks up to previous seasons, wrap up some loose ends, do an in depth look at key differences between the books and the series in an effort to gain background information and a deeper appreciation of both, and consider listener feedback.  Then A.Ron hosts a final spoiler segment, discussion previous tin foil theories as well as talking about casting and potential plot points for season five!