201 – Switch – LIVE RECORDING
Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.
Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.
AMC’s “Better Call Saul” is back next week, and we’re ready for it. Join us for a review of season one, what we’re expecting for season two, what unspeakable sex crime a “Hoboken Squat Cobbler” could be, and our thoughts and yours on the future of the show. See you back for the premier Monday, Feb 15th, and the following Wednesday for our full podcast coverage!
A.Ron is joined once again by Shayne Bowman from the Heisenberg Chronicles and Film Schlubs to discuss the latest season of Cinemax’s The Knick. We discuss our feelings on the themes and characters of season 2, the future of The Knick, Cinemax, and the art of film in general. Thanks for helping us out, Shayne!
Jim and A.Ron close the books on season two of Fargo, as we consider the finale episode, “Palindrome”. We discuss how we feel about Hanzee, Peggy vs. feminism, the Solverson family, and the Kansas City mafia in the final analysis, consider some fan feedback over the last two week’s episodes, and look ahead to 2017 for Fargo season 3.
Where you come down on Fargo’s latest episode, “The Castle”, and perhaps the season as a whole, entirely hinges on whether you swallow the final act. We did not, and thus are in the uncomfortable position of not liking and yet still admiring Noah Hawley’s bold experiment in television. Hopefully some of our concerns will evaporate by the time the finale episode is over next week, but if not, we promise we’ll be here with some pod therapy.
You know, I can’t really adequately sum up in this one little text box how we all feel about this season of The Leftovers, and at this point, you already know if you’re going to listen or not, yeah? You got two hours of hardcore The Leftovers talk coming your way from two dudes who are saying this is the best season of television they’ve ever personally ever seen, so how about we cut to the chase and just push “play?”
FARGO WINS THE WEEK! In “Loplop”, Fargo hits all the notes; comedy, drama, suspense, without ever causing any tonal conflicts, and sets the season on it’s final, no doubt bloody, and most likely weird, trajectory. It wasn’t perfect; we felt a little uncomfortable with this episode’s timelines, and geographic orientation, which we discuss in the cast proper and in feedback, but Peggy as hostage taker, Ed as gangland negotiator, and Hanzee as the anti-Malvo were all fascinating and satisfying to watch. A.Ron discusses watching Miller’s Crossing and how it has him resurrecting his old “Hanzee as a double/triple agent” theory, and Jim gets to bask a bit in the glow of his hangman notice in the previous episode memorably paying off. Lots of praise, lots of great listener email, a good time is had by all.
Jim and A.Ron were blown away by the twist at the end of The Leftovers episode “Ten Thirteen”, which we probably should have seen coming. Kind of amazing that you can pull something like that off with millions of people obsessing and collaborating over the internet, but welcome to The Leftovers! We do a deep dive on Meg and her motivations and her spin on the Guilty Remnant, her epic show down with Matt, what is going on in Tommy’s head, what’s she using plastic explosives for, tons of listener feedback, and speculate on just where are we heading towards in what will no doubt be an epic screwjob of a season finale next week. We can’t wait!
“Did You Do This? No, You Did It!” I think we’ll both take the credit/blame for this latest podcast on Fargo… Lots of stuff to talk about, from Simone’s tragic end, to Mike Milligan’s desperate gamble, to Mama Gerhardt’s turning snitch, Lou triumphant, and say, what the heck has Peggy, Ed, Dodd and Hanzee been up to during this episode? Lots of phone calls and a few dead bodies is all we know, hopefully we’ll catch up with them in the weeks ahead. All this plus some stellar (ha!) feedback from our fellow fans. If this isn’t a good podcast then, well, I’ll cut off my big toe!
Jim and A.Ron try not to drink the water while recapping the dreamy/supernatural events of The Leftovers episode 208, “International Assassin”, because we do not want to forget a thing… We discuss our core beliefs of this episode, and where we fall on the “is it real?” or “is it a dream?” spectrum, and the answers may surprise you. We then discuss birds, Windex, Neosporin, the many faces of Patti, inexpensive knock off bourbons, and some shocking real life Jeopardy coincidences. All this, tons of feedback, and a burning need to see next week’s episode, like, yesterday, and it’s all coming at you. See you next week!