Better Cast Saul - 207 – Inflatable

Episode 207 of AMC’s Better Call Saul, “Inflatable”, was the best of Jimmy, and the worst of Jimmy. While his colorful sabotage of the corporate, buttoned down Davis and Main firm was entertaining, and the sabotage/montage a masterful edit by Insider Podcaster Kelley Dixon, it was at the expense of some genuinely good people. And while it’s wonderful that Mike can provide a comfortable and safe lifestyle for his daughter and law and granddaughter, we know it eventually sets up a situation which forces the doting Mike to abandon them both. Lots of mixed and poignant feelings in this one. Plus, we get lots of feedback as people put on their theory hats and give us their best shots.

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 206 – Regrets Only

Jim and A.Ron have no ragrets about episode 206 of Netflix’s Daredevil series, “Regrets Only”. Elektra keeps Matt on the hook (and engages in a nifty little caper infiltrating the Roxxon building), Karen softens up the Punisher, as Foggy craps his pants when their little pro-bono plea deal turns into the trial of a century at the mercy of a vengeful DA. Can Matt juggle unraveling the mystery of what the “Yakuza” is doing in his town, without letting Karen, Foggy, and Frank twist in the wind?

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 205 – Kinbaku

“Kinbaku” is the Japanese art of decorative rope bondage, but Jim and A.Ron are wondering what other “tight binds” this episode has Matt getting into. A dangerous former flame re-enters his life just as things get hot between Matt and Karen, Foggy is back to being Foggy, as a extended flashback gives a glimpse into the high speed train wreck that is Elektra Natchios and Matt Murdock, as she seems hellbent on another violent affair.

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 204 – Penny and Dime

Episode 204 of Netflix’s Daredevil series, “Penny and Dime” is here, and Jim in particular has a lot of problems with his perceived lack of frank talk among concerned friends. We talk about that, the adventures of Karen Page, P.I., Matt and Karen starting to officially ‘ship, Jon Bernthal’s superior graveside performance, and Daredevil’s relationship with the NYPD.

Better Cast Saul - 206 – Bali Ha’i

It’s episode 206 of Better Call Saul, “Bali Ha’i”, and the cameos keep coming. When will Jim’s hands start shaking worse than Mike after bouncing two wannabee tough guys out of his hacienda? We discuss the various deals, scams, and schemes that make up the bulk of this episode, undertake the complex task of figuring out what the chameleon Howard is all about, wonder what’s next for Mike, and worry about the future of Kim’s career. Is the S&C offer genuine, or an Akbar-esque trap. Lots more Star Wars analogies, feedback, and even Law Talk on offer this podcast.

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 203 – New York’s Finest

Third episode, third Punisher vs. Daredevil battle, can Matt keep up this pace? Can the show? We discuss all that is episode 203, “New York’s Finest”, from Matt and Frank’s dueling psych evaluations, Foggy’s flop at the hospital, Karen’s writer-assisted domination at the DA’s office, and debate superhero morality before kicking it to the listeners to discuss feedback

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 202 – Dogs to a Gunfight

Episode 202 of Netflix’s “Daredevil” keeps the pedal to the metal as we get yet another titanic Punisher vs. Daredevil sequence, this time featuring a greatly weakened and perhaps fool hearty Matt, who still hasn’t recovered from the damage inflicted from the previous battle. To add to his troubles, his friends are justifiably worried for his life, his armorer seems to be balky about keeping his suit in fighting trim, and his client is being shafted by a shifty D.A. Still, the two rivals are learning a great deal about each other, which can’t be good… can it?

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 201 – Bang

Daredevil season two has started! We’ll be watching and reviewing a new episode every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from here on out until we’ve finished the whole thing. As we rejoin our heroes in episode 201, “Bang”, local gangs have been jockeying to occupy the power vacuum left by the Kingpin’s exit last season, and Matt might have new competition in the “get tough on crime” game.