Better Cast Saul - 209 – Nailed

Episode 209 of AMC’s “Better Call Saul”, entitled “Nailed”, is superlative, and takes us on quite the intense and unexpected emotional rollercoaster. We can’t wait to see what goes down in the finale next week! But first things first, we talk about Mike’s snatching a total moral defeat from the jaws of victory, Chuck’s crazy pants theory that just happens to be true, Kim’s very nuanced and perhaps conditional acceptance of Jimmy’s wily ways, and much more, including tons of great feedback from our fellow fans.

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 211, 212, 213 – .380, The Dark at the End of the Tunnel, A Cold Day in Hell’s Kitchen

Jim and A.Ron blitz through the final three episodes (“.380”, “The Dark at the End of the Tunnel”, and “A Cold Day in Hell’s Kitchen”) of Netflix’s Daredevil and fight hundreds of mystic ninja warriors just so we can get our takes and yours out while they’re still hot. Ultimately, we’re conflicted, as overall this is a strong (but not stronger) follow up to the promise of the first season, but there are enough dangling threads and murky motivations and plot points to be as frustrating as it is satisfying.

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 210 – The Man in the Box

Daredevil’s episode 210, “The Man in the Box” is a helluva episode. Featuring a magnetic confrontation between the Kingpin and Matt, a nice mystery for Karen to sink her teeth into, some creepy Children of the Corn vibes, not to mention more ninjas than you can shake a shuriken at, we’re really pleased with the shape Daredevil has rounded itself into coming down the home stretch.

Better Cast Saul - 208 – Fifi

A.Ron and Jim are digging Better Call Saul’s latest episode, “Fifi”, which finds the perfect Mike/Jimmy balance and pacing. Your mileage may vary, of course, but lots of intriguing and interesting things are afoot. Jimmy is smuggling “war heroes” on Air Force bases, Chuck is sabotaging Kim and Jimmy’s dreams of teaming up, and Mike is dabbling in rather unconventional gardening accessories. We discuss this and more with help from our fellow fans!

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 209 – Seven Minutes in Heaven

Daredevil really kicks it up a notch in episode 209, “Seven Minutes in Heaven”! Featuring several fantastic and brutal fights and some equally brutal emotional confrontations, the Kingpin takes over prison, the Punisher gets unleashed upon Hell’s Kitchen once more, and Matt walks a lonely path to protect his friends and loved ones from danger even as The Hand’s latest attempt to create a Dark Sky takes a creepy, disturbing turn.

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 208 – Guilty as Sin

Daredevil episode 208, “Guilty as Sin” is before the jury. What will be the verdict? On the one hand, we have great fight scenes, a rapidly expanding mythology that’s managing to stay on Jim’s sweet side, and some nice court scenes with Foggy. On the other hand, we’re really wondering WTF is going on with Frank, there are some pretty bad courtroom scenes with Foggy and Karen, and Matt’s punch in leiu of dialog is wearing out us as fast as it is Stick. See you Wednesday!

What's Cooking in Hell's Kitchen - 207 – Semper Fidelis

In episode 207 of Netflix’s Daredevil, “Semper Fidelis”, Foggy and Karen fight for Frank’s freedom, while Matt abandons his friends and client to pursue the larger goal of keeping Hell’s Kitchen safe. Foggy and Karen have some things to say about that, and it’s pretty glorious. At the same time, Matt seems concerned that he’s inching ever closer to the “one bad day” that the Punisher warned him was in his future, where the lines between justice and vengeance blur and become unrecognizable. Also, Daredevil and Elektra discover a giant hole. What’s up with that? All this a bunch of feedback from your fellow fans. See you Monday for more!