Dungeons and Demogorgons - 306 – Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum

The Mind Flayer’s grotesque plan comes into focus in episode six of Stranger Things 3, “E Pluribus Unum”, the meaning of the title seeming obvious in retrospect. Aside from the citizenry of Hawkins literally pulling themselves together to stop El and the gang, we get some very sympathetic backstory for Billy, Dustin throws a tea party for Erica, Robin and Steve share a moment in a Soviet medical torture facility, and Mike confesses his love for El. 

Bald Move Pulp - Black Mirror, Jinn, Leila, Ice on Fire

im, A.Ron and Cecily put season five of Netflix’s Black Mirror to bed as we talk about the final episode, “Rachel, Jack and Ashlee Too”. Then we check out the latest products of Netflix’s global reach, the supernatural high school fantasy of Jinn (00:00:00), as well as the Indian dystopia of Leila (00:00:00). Finally, we look at the new HBO documentary, “Ice on Fire” (00:00:00), and consider some conservative talking points and counters to the film.