Speakeasy - 507 – “Friendless Child”

In this Speakeasy podcast, covering episode 507 of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, “Friendless Child”, Jim talks A.Ron off a ledge, they decide to write their own perfect conclusion to the series, they marvel at the level of dishevelment Eli Thompson brings to bear, wonder at just how terrible Willie is at avoiding kidnappings and traps, and…

Speakeasy - 506 – “Devil You Know”

Jim and A.Ron get down to the business of talking about episode 506 of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, “Devil You Know”.  We say good bye to some old friends, witness shocking introductions in the Silver Age, observe more evidence of #9’s identity, and watch Nucky engage in a riveting game of Strip Epic Poetry Recital.  All…

Speakeasy - 505 – “King of Norway”

This week’s pod covers all the action for Boardwalk Empire episode 505, the “King of Norway”.  In it we do a deep dive on Doctor Cotton, discuss the amazing Silver Age Nucky brought to us by the talented Marc Pickering, the always entertaining comedy duo of Eli and Nelson, the return of Chaulky to AC,…

Speakeasy - 504 – Cuanto

Jim and A.Ron cover the mid-point of Boardwalk Empire, episode 504, “Cuanto”.  We ponder the ultimate fate of Nucky, if the Commodore and Sheriff Hammer are playing good cop / bad cop with Lil’ Nucky’s soul, if Capone is playing possum about knowledge of Jimmy Darmondy, and consider the many charms of drunken Margaret. If…

Speakeasy - 503 – “What Jesus Said”

Welcome back to The Speakeasy, where we consider episode 503 of Boardwalk Empire, “What Jesus Said.”  Jim and A.Ron talk about the surfeit of “boys” and “uckys” in Boardwalk, smooth dialog, the sad state of Nucky’s nightclub in the hands of Mickey Doyle, Joe Kennedy’s teetotaling, childhood sweethearts, the return of Marge, and theorize on…

Speakeasy - 502 – “The Good Listener”

Jim and A.Ron break down a very “boardwalky” episode of Boardwalk Empire, “The Good Listener”.  We talk about the Kennedy Family Empire, speculate on who Gillian is corresponding with, marvel at Stephen Graham’s performance as the coke/syphilis addled Capone, and ponder how Nucky’s childhood informs our understanding of Nucky the man.  All this, plus your…

Bald Move Pulp - The Wire – Omar Comin’ – Commissioned Podcast

Hey there, A.Ron here with a very special commissioned podcast with a unique history and focus.  First, thanks to Andrew Stannard for using Subbable to make this all possible, and for working with us patiently on the format of the podcast.

Andrew wanted us to talk about The Wire.  The problem is, I’ve got massive plans for a Ultimate Badass Criterion Sapphire The Wire Podcast, and I didn’t want to take his money to release an inferior version.  So, we compromised.  We’d record a podcast about his favorite character, Omar Little, and we’d highlight two episodes that showcase a particular facet of the character, all without doing any major spoilers. I selected episode 206, “All Prologue”, and 306, “Homecoming”, to show off Omar at his best, and Omar at one of his lowest points.  Along the way Jim and I gush about The Wire, why we love it, why it can be hard at times to love, why Omar is such an important character for The Wire in general and pop culture at large, and talk about our favorite moments from these two episodes.  I also divulge some details about my upcoming The Wire podcast series, and why it’s taking so damn long.