Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 412 – “Still”

Welcome to our full coverage of The Walking Dead episode 412, “Still”.  In it, we discuss the finer points of snake swallowing, debut our newest podcast, “Archery with A.Ron”, discuss rich bitches versus poor white trash, Hershel’s favorite drink, and the cathartic experience that is burning shit down.  All this, plus our all-star listeners’ all-star feedback, and our spoiler section.  Enjoy!

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 412 – “Still” – Instant Take

Instant cast for episode 412 of The Walking Dead, entitled, “Still”, where the teenage alcohol virgins can drink white lighting with impunity, the sexual tension is non-existent, and the character development at the end is… probably worth the other 30 minutes of treadmill television?  Your mileage may vary, it will be interesting to hear what…

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 411 – “Claimed”

The Walking Dead got around to doing what The Walking Dead does best, which is create dread, tension, and horror in it’s episode 411, “Claimed”.  Unfortunately, most of the horror and dread came from Eugene’s dress, grooming, and shooting skills.  Join us as we talk about Glenn’s questionable decision to be a bad ass, the thawing of Michonne Glacier National Park, the mechanics of the sleeper hold, and sons of dicks.  All this, and awesome feedback from our fellow fans, and some light comic spoilers in the spoiler section.

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 410 – “Inmates”

Here at Bald Move, we don’t just say, “this show sucks” when we think a show eats say, multiple bags of dicks.  No, sir!  We lay out the case for it, introduce our evidence, make our closing remarks, and let you, the audience decide.  In this cast, A.Ron apologizes for some hasty comments made in the heat of passion, we praise Steven Yeun and Lauren Cohen, talk about some plot points that we’re enjoying and some others they’re setting up that we look forward to, and then we talk about the stuff we didn’t like, at pretty great length.  Tyrese’s babysitting skills, Glenn’s future as an NFL runningback, Bob’Angelo’s shit-eating grin, Beth’s diary, dead rabbits, and much more.  We consider feedback, and then engage in a bit of light comic book type spoilers, and mentally prepare to wipe the slate clean and hope for greener pastures next week!

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 410 – “Inmates” – Instant Take

Things that were good about this episode: Steven Yeun’s performance.  Glenn armoring up and rolling on out.  Lil’ Asskicker being not dead. Daryl kicking ass pre-credits. Maggie’s desperate search for Glenn IF and ONLY IF you hadn’t seen any previews or teasers.  Everything else was pretty terrible.  Hopefully, Abraham pulling up in his deuce and…

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 409 – “After”

In this episode 409 of AMC’s The Walking Dead, “After”, Carl Jr. becomes a man. Do I have to call him Carl Sr. now? Join me and Jim as we ponder this and other points such as Michonne’s scream, Rick’s zombie acting workshop, eating a truly improbable amount of chocolate pudding, post-apocalyptic shoe selection, and the wisdom of turning down free hot sauce. All this, plus our spoiler section, and lots of your great feedback!

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - The Walking Dead Mid-Season 4 Preview

Aaaaaand we’re back!  Ready for action as season four of The Walking Dead resumes this Sunday, Jim and A.Ron talk previews, predictions, and give updates on their Death Olympics odds.  Will Beth go out Singing?  Will Glen and the electric koolaid bus make it back to the group?  Will Tara and Lily return?  Will Lizzie and Mika go crazy and butcher everyone in the group?  We discuss all this, your feedback, and a bit of light comic spoilers for the season in our custom, patent pending Spoiler Section!