Mad Men Happy Hour - 713 – “The Milk and Honey Route”

Jim and A.Ron are here to help you sort through the complex feelings we’re all getting at the prospect of Pete getting the happiest of potential Mad Men endings, as we unpack the tragic and yet strangely hopeful penultimate episode entitled “The Milk and Honey Route”… We discuss small town hustles, German cannibalism, Betty’s dignity and grace in the face of genuine crisis — no, really! — Sally’s forced evolution into the role of mother, and Duck’s high stakes game of career poker with Pete, Pete trading in the Pit for a life of redemption and bliss reunited with his family in Wichita, and Don finally embracing the hobo lifestyle that has called out to him since his boyhood. It’s a terrific, complex, moving episode that sets us up beautifully for the end. We’ll be with you the whole way, not just next week for the finale, but the week after too, as we indulge in a series finale podcast spectacular. See you then!

Mad Men Happy Hour - 712 – “Lost Horizon”

Jim and A.Ron here to dish on the latest episode of AMC’s Mad Men, “Lost Horizon”… We discuss Joan’s heroic stand against truly awful institutions, Weiner’s strong troll face, debate Don’s intentions towards “Birdie”, Peggy blowing the doors clean off the hinges of the McCann Erickson office, Roger’s roller derby, lots of great feedback from fellow fans, and much more. Two more to go, people! Savor it!

Mad Men Happy Hour - 711 – “Time and Life”

Hello there! Would you care to discuss the latest Mad Men, episode 711, “Time and Life”? Well, you’ve come to the right place, friend… We discuss Lane Pryce directing the latest Pete Punch, Peggy and Stan’s epic summit on gender relations, how it feels to root for Pete (“not great, Bob!”), the Weiner’s judo move he pulled on us as the audience, and where we’re going entering the back half of the back half of season seven. All this, and tons of superb feedback from what is in our humble opinion the greatest fan community on the internet, and much, much more. See you again next week!

Mad Men Happy Hour - 710 – “The Forecast”

This edition of the Happy Hour looks at the episode “The Forecast”, which is number 710 of AMC’s Mad Men… In which we discuss Don and Betty in a race for creepiest teenage predator, ponder the future, ask if the emptiness is a problem, watch the one man 70’s fashion show that is Joan’s hot date Richard, and watch Mathis flame out of advertising in the most spectacular and entertaining way possible. We typically get stellar emails for Mad Men, but this mail bag might be historically great, as our fellow watchers really do some good work on Don and Dianne analysis, and get pop-psych over the Peter Pan Syndrome. See you next week!

Mad Men Happy Hour - 709 – “New Business”

We’re not sure what to think about Mad Men episode 709, “New Business”, and maybe that’s an intentional choice by the Weiner himself, who co-wrote the episode… We discuss the mysteries of missing teeth, phantom cab rides, Pete’s improbably use of “Jiminy Christmas!”, Stan’s amateur pornography, and Peggy’s refusal to take a walk on the wild side. All this, tons of your great feedback, and much more!