Waffle Poddy - A Severance Podcast – S02E10 – Cold Harbor

We have reached 100% completion of this season of Severance. Jim and A.Ron are having a Waffle Poddy to celebrate. From malignant wax statues to sacrificial goats, this season finale delivered in big ways. Join your refiners as they tie up the loose ends and look forward to the next season.

Sirius & The Eye in the Sky by Alan Parsons Project

Pete Peppers YouTube

Popcorn for Dinner

Stick around and check out Bald Move Prestige and Bald Move Pulp while we eagerly await Severance season three!

Check out these other podcasts from Jim and A.Ron:

Tribe of Two – An Andor Podcast

Bureau of Citizen Detectives – A Yellowjackets Podcast

Baldly Go – A Star Trek: The Original Series Podcast

Got feedback? Send it to severance@baldmove.com.

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