Jim and A.Ron have lunch for the very first time. A.Ron is drinking Brewery Ommegang Game Of Thrones: Valar Morghulis Belgian Dubbel; they swing wildly between metaphors and promise to figure things out eventually; Jim wanted to start an audible Tumblr; A.Ron wanted to keep in touch; Jim’s first network, Gong Radio, to the creation of Blue Yonder, to Bald Move; the importance of good chemistry; finding your niche; the overcrowding of Game of Thrones podcasts; the importance of good equipment; evolution in the editing process; nice guy Adam Corolla and his patenting troll dilemma; Roger Goddell and the NFL vs. Bill Simmons; why Alan Sepinwall, Giant Bomb, and Penny Arcade inspire Jim and A.Ron; A.Ron is optimistic about The Walking Dead because it’s had a showrunner for 3 consecutive seasons; and finally, they discuss the format and future plans.