Bald Move Pulp - Black Mirror, Jinn, Leila, Ice on Fire

im, A.Ron and Cecily put season five of Netflix’s Black Mirror to bed as we talk about the final episode, “Rachel, Jack and Ashlee Too”. Then we check out the latest products of Netflix’s global reach, the supernatural high school fantasy of Jinn (00:00:00), as well as the Indian dystopia of Leila (00:00:00). Finally, we look at the new HBO documentary, “Ice on Fire” (00:00:00), and consider some conservative talking points and counters to the film.  

Bald Move Pulp - Chernobyl – Episode 5 – Vichnaya Pamyat

The final episode of HBO’s Chernobyl, “Vichnaya Pamyat” derives it’s title from the traditional prayer said at the end of an Eastern Orthadox funeral; “memory eternal”. Our hope is that everyone who has watched this and will watch this in the years to come takes to heart this encomium, that we need to remember the cost of lies, the cost of taking our eye off our institutions and systems we setup to keep us safe and prosperous, because if you fail to do so the cost only becomes more dear. Thanks for watching along with us, we’ve loved having you all along for the experience.

Bald Move Pulp - Deadwood: The Movie (2019)

Jim and I have come to Deadwood at long last, to behold it in movie form. We’ve seen differing amounts, but we have a lot of esteem for David Milch’s western epic, and we thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent this week at the old camp. We talk about our experiences with the show, how Justified informs our thoughts on Deadwood and vice versa, Milch’s thoughts on mortality, and how amazingly the movie gave equal closure and tribute to it’s legion of incredible characters.

Bald Move Pulp - Good Omens, Barry Season 2 Wrap Up

Jim, A.Ron and Cecily team up to take on the end of the world as envisioned by Amazon Prime’s Good Omens. Adapted from the novel of the same name by co-author Neil Gaiman himself, it offers a warm, funny, and human take on the Apocalypse, focusing on the unlikely friendship between a demon (David Tennant) and an angel (Michael Sheen) who have decided they like Earth like it is, thankyouverymuch, and team up to keep it that way. Then, Cecily and A.Ron talk about their thoughts on the conclusion of the sophomore season of HBO’s Barry (00:26:45).

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - Series Wrap Up

We come here to say goodbye to Game of Thrones. While we’re still going to get to play around in this universe courtesy HBO’s numerous prequels, sequels, and spin-offs planned, and of course George’s assurances that he’s still writing, we’re not going to get any more of this particular take on the story. How do we feel about this? Does The Last Watch documentary change those feelings? We discuss these and more before getting the final words from feedback. We’ll see you all for “Fire & Blood” and the prequels!

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - 806 – The Iron Throne – SpoiLore Edition

In our penultimate podcast for HBO’s Game of Thrones, we invite Gods of Thrones co-author Anthony Le Donne back to the studio to discuss how the book might resolve in ways that are consistent, but perhaps more satisfying, than some found the show’s resolution. Then we’re off to feedback, where we talk about Martin’s progress on Winds, our thoughts on Bran the Broken, where things line up with Dany’s prophecies in the final analysis, and much more on “The Iron Throne”. See you next week as we sign off and transform the podcast into a Thrones prequels feed!