Super Serious Film Fest - Reign of Fire (2002)

The next installment of Super Serious Film Fest: Fantasy features Reign of Fire, a movie so-close-to-sort-of-kind-of-good that it lands squarely into the realm of “cheesy fun.” Aside from Game of Thrones, no film or series has done more to advance the art of CGI dragons as Reign, and no other film even comes close in the coveted shirtless McConaughey vs. Bale category. If you look carefully, you may see an extremely young King Joffrey hiding out among the other plucky young heroes. Please enjoy our podcast, and if you’re a Club Member, be sure to check out our LiveWatch!


Reign of Fire (2002) – LIVEWATCH

A.Ron and Jim investigate the documentary Reign of Fire, which chronicles what happens when greedy early-21st century dragon tycoons delved too greedily and too deep for dragons in the very bowels of London. Nothing good, that’s what! Come sync up the film and watch with us or put on our commentary track for background laughs. They’re no wrong way to do a LiveWatch!

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - 803 – The Long Night

After further review, we feel like Game of Thrones’ epic episode, “The Long Night” was structurally sound, but mechanically weak. Dark, muddy, with ambiguous action, we thought the setup and anticipation was strong, and we’re not even upset about the way in ended, but there is so much head scratching about how we got there,  and how utterly passive most of the heroes (and even head villain) was throughout most of the episode. Obvious the fandom is quite torn over the immediate aftermath of “The Long Night”, and only time will tell whether Thrones can deliver a holistic end that will leave the majority feeling satisfied, but there is quite a bit more work to be done on that front than we’d have expected after last week’s excellent setup. We’ll be back Friday to talk about the episode from a Lore/Book standpoint, and of course we’ll be back this Sunday to see how our heroes fair after surviving the Night. See you then!

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - 802 – A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms – SpoiLore Edition

Jim and A.Ron mine the hidden depths of Game of Thrones extensive lore and backstory to answer your questions and debate fan theories. Is Harrenhal the ultimate anti-wight hideout? Are there any Children of the Forest left in the world? What was the meaning and possible  significance of Jenny’s Song from the latest episode? All this and more are discussed in this episode!