Mad Men Happy Hour

Mad Men Happy Hour - 508 – “Lady Lazarus”

Jim and A.Ron break down episode 508 of Mad Men, “Lady Lazarus”.  We have a feeling Pete will need a lot more than a cat’s nine lives to make it out of this season alive!  No psychorock goes unturned as we examine entitlement, misogyny, daddy issues, and the size of Harry’s yang. If you want…

Mad Men Happy Hour

Mad Men Happy Hour - 504 – “Mystery Date”

Welcome to our podcast for Mad Men episode 504, “Mystery Date”.  This week features child abuse, drug abuse, dream girl abuse, Roger abuse, and podcast host abuse.  It is intended for Mature Audiences Only. If you want to give us a shout out, or otherwise give us a piece of your mind, email us, check us…

Mad Men Happy Hour

Mad Men Happy Hour - 503 – “Tea Leaves”

Betty makes her big season five entrance, Mohawk makes a return flight to SCDP, Pete outmaneuvers Roger, Peggy hires some competition, and Don fears for the Next Generation.  All this and your feedback too!  Enjoy! If you want to give us a shout out, or otherwise give us a piece of your mind, email us, check…

Breaking Good - Breaking Bad Season Four Wrap-up

Welcome to this bittersweet episode of Breaking Good! We are over the moon about the way the season went, but sad that we have to wait almost a year to find out what’s next for Walt and Jesse. We reflect on our favorite moments, thoughts for next season, predictions that came true and those that flamed out, and read the final thoughts from our listeners on Breaking Bad.

Breaking Good - 413 – Listener Feedback

We promised a listener feedback episode this week and we delivered! We tried to give some attention to everyone’s thoughts but even after cutting some emails for time and ONLY covering your thoughts we STILL barely brought the episode in under an hour thirty! Seriously, the feedback is overwhelming but we love it. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this episode and those whose feedback we just didn’t have the time to read on air. We appreciate all of it!