Breaking Good - 213 – ABQ

In this installment of Breaking Bad, episode 213, “ABQ”, AKA, “A.Ron’s Waterloo”,we find really excellent episode that works on so many visceral and emotional levels, but for at least one host, comes completely off the rails in the final 15 minutes. Other than THAT, we discuss the excellent work by Aaron Paul and Anna Gunn, Walt’s endearing qualities, such as they are, John de Lancie’s haunting portrayal of Jane’s father, Gus hiding in plain sight, and one grizzled old fixer dude in Saul Goodman’s employ… I doubt we see much more of him. All this, a smattering of feedback, and the guys get philosophical about season 3 in the spoiler section.

Better Cast Saul - 103 – Nacho

Relax, everyone on the internet! Jim finally is pleased with an episode of Better Call Saul… In the series third outing, we get a hint of the plot that’s going to be moving perhaps a good chuck of the rest of the season, as Jimmy McGill and a huge bag of ill gotten funds finally meet. How we got to that point is interesting too, as we bear witness to the demise of Slipping Jimmy, get hints about the nature of Jimmy and Kim’s relationship, and see the genesis of a more congenial relationship between Mike and the man who will one day be called Saul. And sex robots! All this, a ton of feedback, and the barest whiff of a spoiler section that morphs into an impromptu Bald Move TV segment. Just, a lot of stuff happens on this podcast. Enjoy!

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 510 – “Them” – Instant Take

A.Ron and Jim weren’t impressed with the tenth outing of season five of The Walking Dead, “Them”. It was slow, slogging through well worn territory of dealing with loss and grief and acceptance of the way the world is rather than the way the world should be. On the other hand, we got some cool zombie kung-fu via a nifty bridge sequence, and somebody finally told Gabriel to shut the EFF up already, so there’s that. What did you think! Tell us, because the full cast is coming out Tuesday and you just might get on the air!

Breaking Good - 212 – Phoenix

Welcome back to coverage for the penultimate episode of season 2 of Breaking Bad, number 212, “Phoenix”! We discuss baby saving sonar robots of the future, heroin acquisition machines, take a deep dive in the morality and ethics of one Walter White, divide blame for the Jane fiasco among all the players, chide Hank on his lactophobia, and much more. Plus, some feedback, and some spoilers for things yet to come as we mentally prepare ourselves for next week’s finale, “ABQ”!

Better Cast Saul - 102 – Mijo

Welcome to our coverage of Better Call Saul episode 102, “Mijo”! We talk Tuco’s culinary skills, Jimmy’s gift of gab, a possible Nacho connection to the classic Breaking Bad series, some gun related anachronisms, and Wrong Swanson. All this, tons of feedback, and the barest whiff of a spoiler section, and don’t worry, it’s safely tucked away at the very end of the episode if you don’t want to hear it. See you next week!

Better Cast Saul - 101 – Uno

Jim and A.Ron had a lot of complex feelings about the first episode of Better Call Saul, “Uno”.  A.Ron enjoyed the super sized portion of Saul, but worried about the sustainability of the rate of easter eggs and classic BrBa character appearances, while Jim was bothered by pacing.  We also talked about the Aztek of Azteks, dent trash cans, scams both large and small, and much more.  Plus a ton of great feedback, the fans are bringing it from week one!  Hope you enjoy, and stay tuned tomorrow for our in depth coverage of episode 102, “Mijo”!

Better Cast Saul - 101 & 102 – Uno & Mijo – Instant Take

Jim and A.Ron take a look at the first two episodes of Better Call Saul, “Uno” and “Mijo”, and shoot from the hip.  What did we like?  What concerns us?  What would Breaking Bad virgins make of this? The show has enourmous potential, but equally enourmous expectations.  Can’t wait to see what you guys think of it and to see where this show goes over the next two (at least) seasons!

Watching Dead - A Walking Dead Podcast - 509 – “What Happened, and What’s Going On” – Instant Take

Jim and A.Ron are mildly surprised by tonight’s episode of The Walking Dead, the mid-season premiere entitled, appropriately, “What Happened, and What’s Going On”.  What did you think?  Write in and let us know! If you want to give us a shout out, or otherwise give us a piece of your mind, email us, check…