HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - “Gods of Thrones” – “Fire and Blood” – Part 2

Anthony jones me once again as we discuss the second third of GRRM’s new Fire & Blood, as we consider from “Jaehaerys and Alysanne: Their Triumphs and Tragedies” to “The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Triumphant”. Firewyrms! Mysteries of the wall! Dragon eggs beneath Winterfell! And many other interesting twists and tidbits we found in this fake history book detailing the first 150 years of Targaryen reign over Westeros.

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - “Gods of Thrones” – “Fire and Blood” Initial Thoughts

Anthony and I talk about GRRM’s latest book, Fire and Blood, which is a complete and in-depth historical account of the 300 year old Targaryen dynasty in Westeros. We discuss our initial thoughts, anything that might have changed some of our thoughts in Gods of Thrones, any intriguing jumping off points for theory-crafting, and consider fan feedback. Also, Anthony has some stunning revelations about the possible origins of the rib-bone that God took from Adam to make the first woman in the Genesis creation story. You don’t want to miss this!

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - “Gods of Thrones” – Chattin’ Catelyn

Anthony and A.Ron continue their deep dive into the characters and themes from their new book, “Gods of Thrones”. Now available on paperback! Today we’re talking about a polarizing character among the fandom, Catelyn Stark. What are the essential differences between Book!Cat and TV!Cat? What is her worst move in playing the Game? Who would win in an all-female Houseoff? How vital is Lady Stoneheart’s arc to understanding Catelyn, and why does the show skip it entirely? We discuss and debate all this and more!

HOTD: A House of the Dragon Podcast - “Gods of Thrones” – Talking Tyrion

It goes without saying that Tyrion Lannister is an extremely interesting character in A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones, but  you’d think he’d make a poor focus for our book on Westerosi religion. After all, he’s famously skeptical of superstition and faith in a world full of magic, physics defying creatures, and powerful gods. But it’s precisely that contradiction that makes him so fascinating in this context! Join Anthony and I for a deep dive into Tyrion, the events that have shaped him, and the journey that has brought him before a dragon goddess that he can believe in. Have questions or feedback? Send it in using the contact info below…