Breaking Good – WARNING: *SPOILERS* – EPA Inspector from Breaking Bad episode 403 – “Open House”

On the Breaking Bad Insider podcast this week, Vince Gilligan said “we will see him again” in reference to the EPA inspector that Saul hired in episode 3 of season 4.   I suspected as much while I was watching the episode.

Skyler has been making a huge deal lately about minding the details of how they conduct themselves.  She doesn’t want to raise suspicions about what they’re doing or where their money is coming from.  So it really surprised me that she would hire a fake EPA inspector to convince Eyebrows to sell his carwash.  That seems risky.  After all, she jumped ALL OVER Walt for letting an employee at random liquor store X see him buy a $300 bottle of champagne.

Skyler, you have some splainin’ to do!

In what universe is it riskier for Walt to walk into some liquor store where the clerks are paid minimum wage and see literally hundreds of people every single day than for Skyler to hire this guy for the express purpose of committing fraud?  Guaranteed that clerk forgot about Walt the second he walked out the door.

This all feeds back into why I dislike Skyler.  In her opinion, nothing she does can be wrong, yet everything Walt does is too risky.  Too self-righteous for my tastes.

I’m going to go out on a limb and speculate a bit.

I think this guy could be Saul’s new Mike.  After they butted heads last season, I don’t think Saul is going to want to work with Mike again, and vice versa.  Saul will need a new “go-to-guy” and Huel certainly isn’t up for the job.  He’s just the muscle.  I think the go-to-guy will be the EPA Inspector.

What do you think about that?