
Super Serious Film Fest - Con Air (1997) – Rewrite

A shocking discovery was made as we attempted to rewrite the cheesy classic, Con Air: It’s actually way harder than you think to fix this movie. Does that mean that the plot is actually better thought-out than we first assumed? Or is the fundamental idea so flawed that it’s simply impossible to film if you respect your audience? Or perhaps it’s simply a lack of imagination on our part? Any way you view it, we had to get real silly to make this one work, but we had a lot of fun in the process.

Super Serious Film Fest - The Weather Man (2005) – Rewrite

It’s time to rewrite The Weather Man.  We think we can do it without Guy Ferrari’s help this time.  That might be a mistake.  Instead of one well-plotted sequel like we got with The Rock, this time we venture off in two completely different directions and develop two pitches, neither of which can probably live up to the excellent work of Steve Conrad.  But you be the judge.  Let us know what you thought on our forums.