Pickle Me This - S01E03 – Anatomy Park

It’s Christmas in August as we check out S01E03 of Rick and Morty, “Anatomy Park”. Rick’s doing charitable work with the homeless, Jerry’s parents have him questioning his concept of a “human holiday”, and Morty makes it to second base before being tagged out at third. As always, our initial review and episode discussion are spoiler-free for first time fans, but we have plenty of in-depth discussion of spoilers and behind the scenes details when we tune into dimension BM-77 at the end of the podcast!

Pickle Me This - S01E02 – Lawnmower Dog

As we re-watch S01E02 of Rick and Morty Jim and I ponder the plight of the adorably tyrannical Snowball, the antagonist of “Lawnmower Dog”. Thoughts are also provoked as Rick and Morty attempt to Incept the concept of good grades into Mr. Goldenfold! As always, our initial review and episode discussion are spoiler-free for first time fans, but we have plenty of in-depth discussion of spoilers and behind the scenes details when we tune into dimension BM-77 at the end of the podcast!

S01E01 – Pilot

Jim and A.Ron are starting our officially unofficial binge through the many universes that are Rick and Morty! We find the boring, predictable, best way to start anything is at the beginning, which is where we find ourselves here with our discussion of the “Pilot” episode. There’s a lot to unpack with all the new characters introduced, and their relationships and dynamics, then throw multi-verse theory on top. If this is your first time through Rick and Morty, don’t even trip about spoilers, dog. We got your non-spoiler review and episode discussion up front, fool! And for you grizzled Rick and Morty veterans, we got a special section at the end where we go waaaayyy up the show’s b-hole with news, behind the scenes details, Easter eggs, and discussion of future plots.